NightMares/FalshBacks Part2

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Rosealie laid their with a blank face

We can go home when ever you want -Derk

Now -Rose

Okay -Derk

Rose slipped on her sweat pants tank top and hoodie and vans we left as soon as possible their were people out side with camcorders and microphones

Rosealie how does it feel to be raped -Reporter

My fellow people of Holly wood California it is no joke it is not even funny and for any one who thinks it is let me tell you something you wouldnt like it if it happened to you I thank you good day -Rose

We left and went home Rose was cool calm collect she did everything in her sight to keep her mind away from it Hayes and Kenzie came over Rose hugged them both she was so happy to see them she loved them and I couldnt take that away from her

Night Mare Over

Rose was tossing and turning in her sleep mumbling things I couldnt understand I finally started to doze off when she shot up from sleep sweating holding her chest breathing heavy

Hey are you okay -Jake

No -Rose

Whats wrong -Jake

Night mare from when I was 13 what happened to me its scaring the crap out of me -Rose

Hey your okay -Jake

I need a shower -Rose

Rose got up and went to use Derks shower so I could get a little more sleep put it this way she woke him up

Rose what are you doing -Derk

Showering I am all sweat Rose

Hey when you get out and get dressed come sit next to me -Derk

Okay -Rose

I finished my shower got dressed and went to sit next to Derk he pulled me down into his chest and kissed my cheek I kissed his cheek back I ran to the br and threw up I heard Kenzie throwing up to we were at least 6 months pregnant just 3 months left and I could not stop throwing up ever

Rose you okay -Derk

Fine what time is it -Rose

Almost 7:30 -Derk

Okay I am gonna get dressed in some real clothes and go out for a walk and let Jake sleep because ik he didnt get much because of me -Rose

Okay be home before 9:30 -Derk

I will -Rose

I went and got dressed I put on some yoga pants and a tank top I put my hair in a pony tail put on my head phones and started blaring Last Night by skillet I ran until 9:15 I went back to the house I went in the house jogging I was still jogging in place when I got in the living room and took my sports coat off I was still jogging in place listening to music when someone came up behind me and scared me causing me to jump and fall

Rose sweet heart you okay -Jake

I am fine -Rose

Okay -Jake

What smells so good -Rose

Breakfast -Jake

Yum -Rose

Everyone is in the dining room -Jake

Kay -Rose

I went in the dining room still jogging everyone stared at me I dint realize I still had my music on

Sorry guys -Rose

Its fine -Ashton

Rose sat down Jake came in Rosealies phone went off she answered it through blue tooth she put the head set in

Phone Call form Drake

Hello Rosealie Ryder speaking how may I help you

Hey sweet heart remember me -Drake

Yea hold on -Rose

Okay -Drake

Will you excuse me -Rose

Of course -Derk

What do you want I thought you and James were locked up -Rose

Were they let us out 3 days ago -Drake

Yea we are out in front of your house some were -James

Yea well I am coming out and yo might want to be prepared -Rose

Were so scared -Drake

I texted Jake and told him to meet me out side he asked why I just said so

I excused my self from the table and went out side to see Rosealie fighting my brothers

What the Drake James back off -Jake

Oh look now we have Mr and Mrs Ryder -James

You know were her brothers and we can hang with her -Drake

No you cant go near her -Jake

Yes we can -James

I yelled for Hayes Derk and Ashton because the door was open so they could here me

Need back up -Drake

They came rushing out and seen Rose trying to fight them off

Back away Rose -Derk

No its my turn to protect you -Rose

Rose turned her back on James and Drake and they grabbed her arms

Let her go -Derk

Or what -Drake

Hayes snuck up behind them

Or this -Hayes

I punched them in the face they tripped Rosealie and she went face first into the drive way she got up her cheeks were scratched and bleeding a bit she went after them Derk and Ashton went to hold her off nut she was not happy Drake went after me so I fought him off when Rose seen he was trying to punch me she jumped on his back

I jumped on Drakes back and tried to pry his hands off of Jakes arms he flipped me on to my back

Ouch that hurt -Rose

Rosealie are you okay -Ashton

I am fine -Rose

I got up and walked over to Drake and kicked him in the balls he dropped to his knees in a heart beat she went after James next and kicked him he fell letting go of Hayes

They ran off we went inside and Rose collapsed on the couch

Hey how is your back -Jake

Fine -Rose

Let me see -Jake

No its fine trust me -Rose

I had Ashton and Derk stand Rose up because she was refusing for me to look I lifted up her shirt her back was bruising in different places she was scratched on the face and it was bleeding

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