Were we belong

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Jake and I got up super early and made everyone breakfast we got them up and we told them we were leaving

Guys were going to our home -Rose

No -Derk

Yea so are we -Kenz

Same -Hayes

No I dont want to be alone -Derk

Derk your such a big baby -Rose

Ik -Derk

I kissed Derks cheek we sat down to eat then Jake and I got dressed so did Kenz and Ashton baby Jake and baby Ashton were with their grand parents we grabbed the girls and left

Ashtons House

Kenz and I entered the house it was clean smelled sweet I missed my house

Kenz what do you want to drink -Ashton

Pepsi -Kenz

I threw Kenz a Pepsi she caught it Leah was watching tv we sat on the couch and went on our phones it was at least 5 hours later we were all asleep on the couch

Hayes's House

I was so bored so I decided to go online and post pics of my self looking hot shirt less and started watching American dad then the Cleveland show lol

Derks House

I was so bored so I decided to you to start building stuff with things I had around the house and started watching wrestling

Jakes House

Rose and I were sitting on the couch Rose had head phones in listening to Eminem not Afraid she started singing so I recorded it and posted it on every social media sights and my phone was bowing up people wanted to hear her voice even more so she started singing to Green Day she looked at me when she seen my phone smiled and went back to singing

Rose -Jake

I walk a lonely  road the only road that I have ever known -Rose

Rose -Jake

Yea -Rose

Turn that off and watch tv with me I am bored over here -Jake

Fine -Rose

Rose turned the music off and put it on the coffee table I was laying down she was sitting up I kicked her in the butt she winced I kicked her again causing her to fall off the  couch Mary Alice was sitting in the chair sleeping Rose was laughing hysterically she got up and wiped her ass off she looked hot in those jeans

Sorry babe -Jake

Its fine -Rose

I sat next Jake he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down into his chest and lifted up my shirt and rubbed my stomach and talked to the baby I was like wtf lol

Jake stop -Rose

Okay sorry -Jake

Lol -Rose

What do you want to do -Jake

Idc -Rose

I grabbed Rose by the hand turned some music on and started to dance with her when someone knocked on the door she answered it it was Hayes

Hey -Hayes

Hey are you okay -Rose

Yea just bored bye -Hayes

Bye -Rose

Rose closed the door and I slammed her up against it and searched her I took her hoodie off I couldnt find my phone then I realized Rose was hiding it in her back pocket

Give it -Jake

No you have to get it your self -Rose

I started to kiss Rosealies neck she squirmed around trying not to moan or giggle I shoved her harder against the door I trailed my hand down to her butt and smacked it she jerked her hips away from me allowing me to grab my phone I squeezed her thigh lightly causing her to gasp I used that advantage to deepen the kiss she backed up I slammed her into the wall she wrapped her arms around my neck I put mine around her waist we backed away from the door Rosealie gets hit in the head by Derk opening the door

God damn wtf -Rose 

ROsealie I am sorry are you okay -Derk

Yea what do you need -Rose

I cam to take my niece -Derk

What ever -Rose

Derk Left Rose slid her back against the wall and cried

Hey are you okay -Jake

I am fine I am going to take a warm bath -Rose

Hey I am gonna be in our bed room watching tv -Jake

Okay -Rose

I went up started the water grabbed clothes and locked my self in I was in their for hours Jake was sleeping I could tell I got out got dressed dried off I found a razor thought of a bad memory and cut my wrist I bandaged them put my hair up and grabbed a hoodie I went and laid next to Jake I felt something  at my feet it was Princess Derk must have brought her over for us she came up next to me and laid down then ran out of are room I closed my eyes and felt arms wrap around my waist it was Derk

Wtf man seriously -Rose

Sorry I need Mary Alices diaper  bag -Derk

Her room -Rose

Thanks -Derk

Derk left and I closed my eyes I was woken to a kiss on my forehead it was Ashton Kenz was sitting next to me

Whats up -Rose

Nothing we just came to check on you -Kenz

Thanks -Rose

Welcome -Ashton

How long has he been out -Kenz

About 3 hours -Rose

Dang he never used to sleep like that unless he drank -Ashton

Wait what -Rose

No when Jake used to get drunk he would sleep all for like 3 hours and when he woke up he was mean -Ashton

Great Rose

Yep -Kenz

Cya -Ashton

By Rosealie -Kenz

Bye -Rose

They left and Jake moved in his sleep it scared the crap out of me so I flinched he sat up looked at me and turned the tv on he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly he forcefully kissed the back of my neck he let go of me I got up so did he still a little bit out of it and slapped me in the face as  hard as he could I feel to the floor I wanted to scream but didnt I backed in a corner just a couple more hours like this and I ould be all set

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