Chapter 3

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At Planned Parenthood people stared. I thought it wouldn't be as bad because pregnant teens get abortions all the time in here I bet. I saw all ages waiting in here for some unknown reason which was really none of my buisness. Just like whatever I'm doing here is none of there buisness.
After filling out multiple papers on my medical history and all kinds of other cap I finally got to go back. I can tell you walking back into the room holding Camden's hand is the worst anxiety I've ever had. After I was introduced to the doctor, Dr.Gomez, she wanted to talk over things because I'm a teen and everything.
"So you want an abortion? You know you can't undo this, right? " She questioned. I was so frustrated be a use I obviously know what I want and don't want. I'm sixteen and can make my own decision on what I want to do.
"Yes, ma'am. I understand that I want an abortion and an abortion can't be reversed, " I smiled really trying not to be a bitch.
"It's sad when pretty little girls come in like you and don't want a baby that they got there selves in. Any ways, I'll be right back, " Dr.Gomez said. I sat there and stared at the door while she left. Camden was still holding my hand and being quite. I think about what she said. I got myself into this situation and now I'm going to kill a baby. But I really don't want a kid actually ever. Especially not in tenth grade. I really can't.
Dr.Gomez comes back in and gives me a gown to change into. I put it on and then tell her she can come in the room again. I put my feet in the sterns and let her get her tool. She asks if I'm ready and I say yes. I'm ready to get this pain and regret over with. Bit actually, I'm not ready. I tell her I'm not ready while she puts on her gloves. I will never be ready to murder a baby. My baby. I take my feet out of the sterns and cry. I slip on underwear again so no one can see those parts. I cry while Camden moves up on the bed thing with me and hugs me. He strokes my hair and whispers things in my ear that I don't understand because I'm crying so hard. The doctor leaves and says we can leave whenever we are ready to. I sit there a while and cry still until my phone rings. Now I panic. I hand it to Camden and tell him to say we are at his house.
"Atalize? Where are you honey? You never said anything about not being home for dinner," my mom went on and on.
"Hey, Mrs.Johnson. This is Camden and we decided to go out for dinner tonight. Sorry I had no clue she didn't tell you," Camden lied.
"Can I talk to Atalize, Camden? I just need to know why she didn't tell me you guys were going out tonight. I know you two are dating and I like you so it's not as much as a big that you two went out," My mom complained.
Camden looked at my very nervous like because I was still crying and fucking terrified.
"Um.. yeah, I'll give the phone to her," Camden said. He handed it to me and I took some deep breaths to sound calm.
"Hey, mom. Sorry I forgot to call you. I'm really sorry. How about we have dinner tomorrow?" I say sweetly.
"You know that I don't care that you go out. I just like to know where you are and that's why I have a tracking device on your phone. So why are you at Planned Parenthood? Did Alexis get pregnant? Do not let her get an abortion! That's so wrong! Why would you go with her? I can't belive Alexis would be so stupid! I have to call he mom," my mom rambled on and on about Alexis (my best friend from birth). And I knew I couldn't let Alexis get in trouble.
"No, mom," I croak, "I'm pregnant." There is silence on the other line and I'm so scared not knowing what will happen. I don't know of she'll be mad or sad but either one will be horrible. I don't know what she's going to do bit I'm so fucking terrified.
"I'm coming to get you," my mom finally says. I swear I'm hyperventilating because the nurse comes in to take the phone. She even hives a lecture to MY MOTHER!
"Ma'am you are worrying this pateint and a pregnant teen should not be put under so much anxiety," the nurse said. I felt so awkward because 1.) She knows for sure that I'm pregnant and 2.) A nurse just lectured my mother about her own daughter. While I'm calming down the nurse smiles at me and hands me the phone.
"Mom?" I say ,"I don't know if I can handle a baby." And I cry like I am a little baby because I can't handle having a baby. I'm not ready and I doubt Camden is.

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