Chapter 7

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I think I'm getting use to being pregnant. Sure it hurts like hell but I think i might be okay with having a child. Other people are getting use to the idea with it too. My mom is happy because she's going to be a grandparent even if she was wishing it would be later. Everyone still gossips at school but I don't care. I'm going to be a mother! I will love this child unconditionally.
I go to the doctor and they put the jell on my big belly and had a little thing sliding around my belly. I could see my child from a screen and I smiled so much. I was going to find the gender of my child! My first child and maybe my only child I will ever have.
"Do you want to wait for the father or anything?" The nurse asked. I get really annoyed at them assuming the father will be around. I want there to be a father in my child's life but no guys want to go out with a pregnant teenanger and Camden doesn't want to be a dad even though biologically he is.
"No, he won't becoming today," I explain.
"Okay," She responds still looking at the seen where my baby is. "Do you want to know the gender?" I think about that for a while because I have no clue if I want to know or not. I will still love the baby either gender but this is my first child and I might want to be surprised when the baby comes out. But also I don't have a name yet and I might want that plus some clothes for when he or she comes out. So after a while I say,"yeah, i would like to know." I smile so big as a see my baby on the screen and I can't wait til this little thing comes out of me and I can spend time with it. It's confusing how much I love my child even though I've never seen him or her yet. My whole life has changed for this little thing and I'm happy. I weigh like 20 more pounds than before but I bet that's not just baby weight. I have been eating worse than before.
"It's a healthy little baby girl, Atalize," the nurse shines. I start to cry and smile knowing she's healthy and happy. I tell the nurse thank you and walk out to see my mom so she'll drive me home.
"Is everything okay, Atalize?' My mom worries ," is the baby okay. I'm so sorry,Honey," my mom go's on and then hugs me.
"Everything's fine, Mom," I laugh as I wipe my nose ,"I have a healthy baby girl!"
"It's a girl?" My mom smiles, "I'm going to have a granddaughter!" And that's when I knew everything was going to be alright. My daughter might be a little confused without a father and maybe some other things wrong with my family but she was going to be just fine.

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