"The Frozen Twilight" 27

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Honestly, my title names suck, I'm just getting them off a stupid random title thing.

Without me noticing, there was a loud knock on the door and I saw William and Jon enter my room. "Long time no see," William murmured. "You can't seem to keep yourself out of the hospital, can you?" He chuckled, as he and Jon approached Adrianna. "Hello, I'm William, a part of her case." Adrianna nodded, shaking his hand.

"And I am Jon, additionally assigned to your sisters case." She shook his hand as well. "I'm sorry, but can you step out? We cannot risk anyone listening." She nodded understandly.

"I need to sleep. I'll be back later to get you." I nodded, kissing her cheek, hating to be alone. Once she stepped out of the room with all her stuff, William placed a tape recorder on the table. 

"Finally able to get to speak to you again. It seems the lads can't remember much of that night. We've tried getting as much information out of them as we could, but it was useless." William looked at the ground, studying it.

"You seen the boys?" Jon nodded.

"Yes, they are on the case, as well," Jon replied. 

"Now to business," William began, "what exactly do you remember? Not what happened, but the men. How many? How old did they look? What did they look like?"

"Well, all the men except one was bald. No hair. The man who ... raped" it was terribly hard to say, "me was bald, had stubble around his chin." I closed my eyes to concentrate. "On his right arm there was a faded tattoo. I couldn't really tell what it was. He had a beer belly, for sure. He was tall. Maybe 6'4? He had brown eyes." I rubbed my eyes, trying to shoo away tears. "The others had no distinct features. All had dark eyes either brown or black." I laid my hand on my forehead, unable to concentrate. Whenever I did concentrate, it turned back to Niall. I shook my head slightly, and looked at them. "They all looked the same. One had brown hair, but that was it."

"How many do you recall seeing?" 

I sighed, "Around ten." They nodded, still writing everything down. They nodded, and Jon stood up, and stretched. 

"So, you're pregnant." I nodded, looking down. "Was it... him?" I nodded.

"I can't suppose anyone else did it." I laid a hand on my belly, and felt it squirm around.

"Thats another possible offense to the law." They nodded, and looked outside. "So that is all you remember?" I nodded, picking at my cuticles. The sun was already beginning to dip below the equator, and rain drops dropping from the sky. It was almost afternoon, almost time to leave.  "Well, we'll see you soon Andrea. Good luck. We have given your sister a credit card for everything you need for the baby. Don't worry about anything. You don't need to. You've worried enough for a child your age, and I apoligize deeply for that."

I nodded and watched them get up and walk slowly out of my hospital room and I watched the doctor come in. He checked mthe y lungs, asking me to breath deeply before taking a chair and sitting across of me. I was finally happy to leave that hell hole. "So. Can you speak?"

"I was just in a funk." He nodded, before raising and eye brow. My throat still hurt from the lack of speech.

"Just in a funk, as in just depressed, unable to eat, drink or anything a normal human being can do? Hm?" My mouth twitched, unable to respond. "Are you going to be capable of taking care of this baby? Will you feed it, and everything?" 

"Yes. The baby always comes first. Always." 

"We will release you at 4, and its 3 now. So let's hurry up and do the ultra sound, sound good?" Nodding, I smiled. He lifted my shirt up, exposing my whole stomach area. He squirted the cold blue gel along my belly, where there was a living thing crawling inside of me. I felt the baby squirm. He hooked the machine together, and I heard the baby's heart beat. A nice thump, thump, thump. It had to be healthy. "Ok, would you like to know the gender of the baby?" I pondered for a moment. Did I? Of course I did.


"There is one lively, healthy, baby....." he paused smiling. "What do yout think?" 

"I don't know, you're the doctor. You should know." I giggled, and tried peeking at the screen before he told me the wonderful news.

"You're having a healthy baby girl. Congratulations." I smiled brighly. I was going to have a baby girl. "Now go get ready to leave. Can you stand?" I nodded, sure of it. He left with the machine, as I got out of bed. I pulled the clothes in the closet into a plastic bag, but also got changed. I was already needing maternity clothes. My bump was very obvious by now. I was ready to go and Adrianna announced she was on her way. The doctor said his goodbyes, and watching me get into Adrianna's car and driving off. I missed her car smell. It smelled like greasy food, also something missed deeply. 

"What'd the doctor say?" she asked, pulling into a McDonald's parking lot. I wondered if she knew that's where everything took place.

"I could leave, obviously. But which doctor?"

"The baby doctor, of course," Adrianna stepped out of the car and into the fast food restaurant.

"Well I could talk to her now, and she's playing football in there. Whew. But the ultra sound doctor was saying it's healthy, the heart beat is good - and it's a ..." Adrianna stood on her tippy toes over me, "a girl." Adrianna smiled and laughed, hugging me tightly. 

"Congratulations honey. Aw, you're going to be so beautiful little Adrianna," she said with a wink while the baby kicked me terribly. 

"She loves your voice. And sorry to burst your bubble, her name isn't Adrianna." We laughed, and I decided what name she'd have. In memory of Kennedy I only felt it was right, even if we hated each other.

 A/N it is freezing in my part of Pennsylvania, so sigh. I feel really shitty anymore so I'm not updating properly to the people who are even reading this. I love you all and you all are beautiful <3 

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