Chapter 1

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"And that is the british boy band called One Direction with there number one hit, What Makes You Beautiful."

I stretch, trying to turn off the damn radio. I ended up throwing it on the floor, I got my iPhone to check the time. Ten O'clock in the morning. On a Saturday, during summer. Someone please kill me. I grab the control and turn on the television.

"We have here One Direction, probably the hottest boy band we have in United Kingdom or anywhere to be exact," said the pretty host batter her eyes at them. I groan.

"Seriously! They're everywhere! It's killing me." yell Lily.

"So Zayn, you and Perrie Edwards. Cute couples, eh?" I turn off the t.v and head down stairs to find my best friend cooking pancakes.

"Look who decide to cook." said Lily. She smile.

"Yeahh. Of course. How are you feeling today?" ask Alice handing me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

"I don't know, me and Alonso have been fighting way too much and I'm getting tired. It's been days since we made a year and now his jealousy and his stupidity is pissing me off," said Lily, stuffing my face with pancakes.

"Well, Ashley text me because you wouldn't answer your phone and she has something important to tell us." said Alice.

I look at her confused, usually she tells us gossip. She's suppose to concentrate on cheerleading news, not people life's. Those are my friends and you can't really chose them, anyways she a good person.

"Where is she?" ask Lily.


"Hell, lets go! The guys would finish this!" We run to the shower and took a quick one. I put on a white V neck, tip dye short, and vans. I put up my long wavy brown hair into a ponytail and we head out to Starbucks. Lately me and my boyfriend have been fighting every since I found out he was flirting with another girl. We got into a huge fight but we still remain with each other and everything is just going down hill. What makes things worse he has the worse jealousy, I mean. Everyone gets jealousy but he's jealous with the fact I like One Direction and other hot famous guys. They're famous, it's not like I am every going to meet them. Especially Zayn. What Makes You Beautiful start to play on the radio again.

"Have you and Zayn talked?"

I look at Alice, while she's driving. She has long blond hair with green eyes, we're both the same height and we're both eighteen going into our senior year soon. I shook my head. Alice and my cousin are the only ones who knows Zayn and I used be best friends, now I'm just another memory left in his past. I'm still hoping one day he will appear in my door step and still say he's my best friend but I can't really depend on that. I bit my bottom lip hard so I wouldn't cry.

Anyways, it's been years since I haven't seen him. We stop talking when I got into middle school. I would always send him messages, supporting him, and giving him advice. But he stop and I stop trying. Miami's sun is shining brighter than ever. Perfect day for the beach and play some beach volleyball. We finally arrive and enter, I saw Ashley tapping her left leg up and down, she seem impatient. We order our coffee and we finally sit down.

"Hey," both Alice and Lily said. She smile at us.

"What's wrong. You seem, nervous?" ask Lily.

"Are you pregnant?" ask Alice, making me choke on my coffee.

"No! I'm not that stupid Alice, Geez. Lily, I need to tell you something." said Ashley. I saw worry in her eyes, I start to get worry.

"What's wrong Ash?" Putting my cup down. She let a breath out.

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