Chapter 6

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He finally hug me. Every second his grip gets tighter and he pulling me closer, I can feel his chest moving up and down. He had his lips on my forehead. I can smell his cologne, I couldn't make up the smell but it's amazing. I can stay in this position forever. I felt so safe, warm, and happy. The elevator stop, I push him away and American girls came in. He put his hoodie and black sunglasses. 

"O.M.G! I can't believe we're in France! This is insane! Just imagine we see One Direction I will totally freak out!" The blond girl said. 

"I knoww! I wanna see Harry so bad! I think if I see him, I will attack him." said a red head. They seem like they were thirteen or fourteen. 

"Well, I will attack Zayn. His tattoos are super hot and everything about him is amazing! Perrie is so lucky!" said the blond one. They look behind us. Oh, God please don't let them notice Zayn. "Sorry if we're annoying you talking about One Direction."

"It's okay, doesn't bother me." I said, smiling. They look at Zayn. Oh, God. "He had too much fun last night." 

"Oh," They both said and turn around. They start to take pictures of themselves. Our floor finally came up. I took Zayn's hand and drag him out before they notice him. We finally reach my room. 

"You should go before more of your fans catches you." I warn him. He nod. Before he can give me a hug, the door open. It was Perrie, she always has a smile on her face. 

"Hey guys." said Perrie. We both wave. 

"Perrie, you should go. There's some Directioners here. I'll see you guys later." I said. She nod and gave her a sunglasses and they left. Alice was coming out of the shower. I only have three hours to get ready. I'm finally going to see Tricia. I'm excited but nervous, I have no idea what to say or talk about. 

"Where are you guys going?" I ask. I see Leo dress up in a dress shirt and dress pants. 

"Today is our three years anniversary, so we're going to do couple stuff." said Alice. That's right. It's also my exboyfriend's birthday. I saw them giving each other small kisses and laughing. 

"Okay guys, don't do it here." I grab my towel and head to the bathroom. "Oh, yeah. Before I forget. I'm staying here for another week."

"We know, but sadly we can't. My mom will kill me if I'm not there." said Leo. 

"And I'm losing my color. It's too cloudy here. I love it but I like it being sunny as well." said Alice. I smile.

"Then I must rent at least a car." I said. 

"I'll look for one while you're taking a shower." said Leo. I nod and head to the bathroom. I took a hour long shower, because I shave. If only I was born hairless. At least on my legs. I got out and Leo or Alice weren't here. They left me a note. Telling me Leo got me a white range rover and I'll have to pick them up after they leave to Greece and they're not coming home until midnight or later. 

It took me three hours to get ready. My brown hair was pin point straight, I wore eye liner and mascara. I put on my diamond earrings and my pearl necklaces. I put on a pink dress with a bow on my breast and nude wedges. I text Zayn.

*I'm ready.*

*Come down :)* 

I grab my white purse and close the door behind. I rush to the lobby and got in Zayn's car. This time he was drive a Audi a4. It was white with tinted windows. He wore a black dress shirt and black dress pants. I let out a deep breath. I feel like this is going to be a long afternoon. The drive was quiet, not awkward. Just quiet. We finally arrive. The house was two store and white. It has vines on the right walls. It has two balcony on each side. it had a black door. We got out of the car and open the gate. He knock. Finally. After fourteen years. 

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