Chapter 5

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Zayn POV

She slam the door in my face. I wish she would already tell what are those things. It's difficult trying to read her, every time I do she just runs away. I don't want to lose her again but I know how much she hates me. I made may way back to Perrie's flat, well ours. I get what I did but I didn't know how much it will affect her. Anyways I thought she forgot about me. Who am I kidding, she always sending me emails and supporting me. I don't even have a good reason why I decide to ignore her but I did. I wish I can take it all back. I don't know what to do or say, I need more time. She's leaving in a couple of days, I at least want to solve something than leave empty handed. I finally arrive and park the car. I got out, open the gate and went in. Leo is sitting on the couch playing temple run on his Ipad. I remember when I first meet him, we used too bully Lily and ended up getting a time out from it, while she eats all the cookie herself but she always saves me five of them. She never got angry with me but we were young and clueless. No one knows I've been ignoring her, they thought she stop talking to me.

"Hey man, how was it?" ask Leo, still looking at his game. I got a bottle of water and threw myself to the couch.

"It could have gone better. She change a lot. Never knew she would actually accomplish it. She not the same five years old Lily who left me here." I said. I remember how shy she used to be. She only talk to me when I introduce her to my friends. She was quiet but smile a lot, she had two miss tooth in front. I used too make fun of her. I smile at that thought.

"Dude, of course. She's eighteen now. She can't be shy and she needs to wear the fakest smile anyone can have" said Leo. He put down the Ipad and let out of breath. "I will like to help but I told you somethings that I could of say. You need to find out the rest. Don't beat yourself up, she will come around. Sooner or later."

He got up and tap my shoulder.

"I told her about her ex boyfriend," said Zayn. He quickly look at me.

"Are you insane! That's the last thing she ever wants you to find out" yell Leo. Smacking his forehead. Man, her family just like yelling at everyone.

"I don't see why not. She isn't trying Leo. Anyways I see her getting close with fucking Liam." I can't believe I'm getting jealous with Liam, he's always helps us out when we need someone. I just don't like it how she's talking with him, he knows more about her, and how they went to the studio together. "Harry and Niall are flirting with her, I just want them to stop."

They're not bad guys. The sweetest guys you can ever meet, I don't want to see Lily get hurt even though they will never do such a thing but I hurt her enough.

"Lily will never replace you, even though she tries. She just can't. She loves you, she spent countless night crying for you. Not Liam." Leo said, trying to calm me down. It didn't work, finding out I made her cry makes me feel worse. I never meant for this to happen. God, I feel like an arse. My mum will kill me if she finds out I made Lily cry. I look up at Leo, he's biting his lower lip. Realizing what he just finish saying.

"Dude I-" I lift open my hand. I had enough for one night. Leo left to the guest room. I just lay on the couch watching the ceiling fan. What have I done to deserve this. I got up and turn off the light. I undress myself and left the clothes on the floor, I put on grey sweats and threw myself to bed. Waking up Hatchi. I didn't want Lily to leave, I need more time. I grab my phone and dail Victoria. The phone rang three times.

"Hello?" Victoria said, with a deep Greek accent.

"Hi, Vic. It's me, Zayn. Sorry to bother you bu-" I whisper, even though no one was in the room.

"Oh, my God! It's my boy, Zayn! Sweetie how are you and Lily?" yell Victoria, making me pull me phone away from my ear.

I laugh. "Vic, can I ask you something?"

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