Chapter 4

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I woke up to One Direction music. It's not like I had enough of them last night; well, one of them. I definitely feel bad for last night but I just couldn't hold it in but I'm not ready to forgive him. I like how he's the same Zayn I left fourteen years ago. Anyways a year later when I left France, he move back to England. We were going to end up losing each other. It eleven in the morning, Alice is coming out of the bathroom with a white robe and towel rap around her hair.

"Well, morning missy." She's mad, even though her voice doesn't say it I just know. Either way when I get her mad she calls me missy, sounding like my mother. He obviously told her last night.

"I have my reason why I did it, so don't bother making me feel bad." spit Lily, I didn't want to put my anger on her but she isn't helping. She got her clothes and took it to the bathroom.

"Yes, you may have your reason for telling him what you said last night but at least he's trying Lily. Give the poor guy some slack." yell Alice from the bathroom.

Why should I. I send him messages like he cared, didn't even bother responding to even one. Like I said, he could at least say he was busy with his damn life.

"He deserve it anyways, it's been fourteen years Alice!" I argue back. I know what I'm doing is wrong and it won't go anywhere but I'm just so stubborn to accept his apology.

"And yet you forgave Alonso three times."

My mouth hang open. I can't believe she just said that, after what he has done to me. I saw her coming out of the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way Lily. I was getting a little irritate by the way you're acting." Said Alice, quickly saving herself. She was fully dress in galaxy legging and a black shirt with lace in the back. She hug me. I can smell her pineapple shampoo and conditioner. "Anways, you always say it yourself. Everyone does mistakes in life, that's part of life. Everyone at least deserve a second chance in life. Anyways, guys get bored of chasing after someone who doesn't even care about them. Don't wait to long, I don't want you to get hurt Lily. You're a really nice girl and you deserve the best."

Her green eyes were full of sorrow for me. She knows all the things I've been through, she may be right this time but I don't have that feeling of ready to have him in my life. After seeing him, I don't want to lose him but I'm just not ready.

"Where are you going?" ask Lily. Arching my brow. She smile and show her retainers.

"I'm going out with Danielle today. She invited me to go out, want to come?" Excitedly said Alice. I'm happy she's having fun here. I shook my head. I rather stay here and order some room services before I go to Greece and eat goat. Or lamb, whatever the hell we eat! There was a knock on the door and Alice rush over there almost tripping. I just notice Leo isn't here either. I rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair.

"Hey guys!" Alice said with her high pitch voice. I walk out of the bathroom and saw Liam with Danielle. I smile at them, they did the same.

"Ready?" ask Danielle. Alice nod her head, looking like a bobble head. Which made me laugh. "Lily, you sure you don't want to come?"

I shook my head again. Sounds like fun but I rather be in bed and get fat. It's a girls dream!

"Hey Liam, can I talk with you?" I ask Liam. I hope Dani doesn't think I'm flirting. He look at Dani and she nod and smile.

"Thank God, thanks Lily. I didn't want to drag my boyfriend. I'll be taking that." said Dani, taking his keys, giving him a peak on the mouth and leaving.

"Zayn?" said Liam. I nod. We sat on my bed, it was awkward but I really need to speak with someone about this. Leo isn't here and I have no idea where he is, Alice gave me her opinion, and I trust Liam enough. "So?" said Liam, finally breaking the silence.

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