Chapter 7

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I was a woken by the smell of pankcakes. Realizing I'm not in my hotel room. I was in a white room with pink sheets. Pictures were hang, my version is still blurry. Realizing I'm in Perrie's house. I quickly got up almost tripping, I had a tank top and plaid yellow shorts. I went to the door and open it. Perrie is listening to Bruno Mars and Zayn is on the couch watching television. He's only wearing sweats.

"Good morning love!" said Perrie. She is a morning person. Afternoon person. Also night. So happy. I just smile. Why am I here? Realizing it's Thursday. I suppose to only have three days left here, instead my mom force me to stay here one more week to work out with Zayn. I let out a breath.

"I made pancakes, if you like them. Or not we can go out to eat." said Perrie. She's really sweet.

"I'm fine with that. Don't stress." I told her. She smile again. Zayn got up and wave. He head to the small dining table for four. I follow. I sat across from him. I just look at the black dining table. I just woke up and I don't want to deal with Zayn right now. I'm really not a morning person. Perrie handed me a plate with three pancakes and did the same for herself and Zayn. She sat down and they start to eat. I just stare at my food. It looks incredible good but I'm not hungry. I just woke up but I didn't want to tell her, I didn't want to upset Zayn's girlfriend. I look up and Zayn is looking at me.

That stare reminds me of my half brother or Leo. Either I don't eat, they shove it down my throat. I stick my tongue at him.

"I need time, okay?" I told Zayn. He shrugged.

"If you're not hungry, then let me have them." said Zayn.

"No, Perrie kindly made them for me. Anyways you're going to get fat and then Perrie is going to leave you." I smile at him. I hear Perrie giggle. I shove my pancakes. I'm pretty sure I look like a chipmunk. I can barely even chew. Zayn grab his phone and took a picture. The flash made me blind for a second.

"I don't see what Harry and Niall see in you. You look like a chipmunk here." said Zayn. He start to laugh. Finally the pancakes went done my throat.

"Because I'm hot that's why. And I also have an ass! So HAH!" I told Zayn pointing my butter knife towards him. He roll his eyes.

"So what are you going to do today?" ask Perrie. I shrug. I really don't know what am I going to do.

"Maybe hang out with Doniya. I really need to talk to her. Or go sight seeing in France. Without you guys, I don't need paparazzi on my ass." I told them. "No offense."

They both shrug. We finally finish breakfast, I help Perrie wash the dishes. I went back to their guest room and got my things. My phone is dead. Great.

"Where are you going?" ask Zayn. As I came out of the guest room.

"To my hotel room. I need to shower and look pretty so I can attract some French guys here." I said. Walk away from him. He chuckle.

"I'll take you there. Anyways I got to go the studio." said Zayn. I said my goodbye to Perrie. Got in his car and drove off. Staying here for another week with Zayn, I don't know how to feel about it. I have so much emotion going wild, I can't even think straight. At least I'm not stressing over my ex boyfriend, that's the last thing I want to worry about. We finally arrive to my hotel and he drop me off. I got out of his car without a goodbye and enter the hotel.

I finally arrive to my room, put my phone to charge and took a shower. Of course Leo nor Alice weren't here. I finally came out and they were both here.

"So, how was it?" I ask. The both smile at me. I'm pretty sure they had a lot of fun last night. They told me they went to romantic dinner and did some sight seeing. I beg them not to tell me every detail, because I don't care if they had sex or not. I text Doniya.

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