Chapter 8

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I slap my forehead with my hand. Why is he here and how did he find me. I look at Harry and he seem uncomfortable, he look at his food. Niall pull out another chair. Seriously guys. I'm going to end up killing them both.

"Oh, wine. You don't mind me getting some." Zayn said. He took my fork and start to eat from my plate, he drink a little of my wine. I felt embarrassed. If I don't leave at this moment Zayn is going to have rose shove down his damn throat. I got up and took Zayn with me. I can't believe he did this to me. I feel bad for Harry. Anyways, it wasn't a date. Well to me it wasn't. Anyways I want hang out with different people not only with Perrie or the girls neither Zayn. Especially not at this moment. How igorant can Zayn get. I kept dragging him to my car. I push him to the passager sit and slam the door shut. I march to the driver sit. I want to scream at him. I want to kill him! God he's annoying!

"Zayn what is wrong with you!" I growl. As I start to drive.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you!" Zayn yell. He was as mad as I am. "Why are you on date with Harry when I told you not to do that."

"I'm not on date with the kid! I was just having dinner with him. What I can't hang out with your friends now?" I argue back.

"It sure seem like it. I don't care if you hang out with them, why couldn't you just tell me!"

"Because if I did you wouldn't let me go out!" I never knew Zayn can be a pain in the ass. If I didn't relax I would end up getting into a car crash. We stop argue.

I understand those are his friends and people he works with but there's nothing wrong with me going out with them. They're way out of league anyways having a famous best friend and a famous boyfriend would just cause more problems in my life. Even though the media nor his fans would bother me anyways. Sadly, I'm hungry and angry. I wish he could at least show up after I ate something. I can't work out with Zayn if we both behave this way but I realize he can act like child.

"I'm sorry." Whisper Zayn. I quickly look at him. He had sorrow in his eyes. His caramel eyes were dark. I let out a breath. If I don't say anything he's going to beat himself up for it.

"It's okay." I said. I saw him smile, which made me smile. I finally accept his sorry. It's not the one he wants but it's at least something.

"Do you want to stop to get food or something?" He ask. I shook my head.

We made it home. Zayn open the door and Perrie was waiting for us. She looks furious, well she's trying too. She had her arm cross on top of her chest.

"Zayn, how could you?" Perrie said. He just bit his bottom lip.

"It's okay. No worries." I rescue him. Like I always do.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook or something?" Perrie ask. I shook my head.

"I'll find something. You guys should go to sleep." I told them. They nod and head towards the room.

I end up making myself a grill cheese sandwich.

*I'm sorry Harry, I hope we can finish that dinner.*

I went to twitter and saw he post a picture. He tweet.

'Dinner date with Niall.' With a picture of them having food stuff in their mouth. They're so cute.My phone vibrated.

*It's okay. We will try it again :) Goodnight love.*

I ate my sandwich and wash the dishes quickly. I was my teeth and got ready for bed. I use my brother's old shirt. My phone vibrate it again. It was my Alice.

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