Chapter 12

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Everyone came back in the room. 

"Too much tea. No, I don't like tea. Tea is for pussy." Gamma said. "Also, Zac you have a very beautiful girlfriend."

Jesus, I do not remember she spoke her mind out. She looks a lot like my mom but shorter. She will always pronounce mines and Zayn's name wring, but I'm pretty she does it on purpose. It would have confused us when we were little but now I just find it cute. She will always look mad or mean but deep down she's actually a sweet grandma who loves everyone she meets. My dad isn't here, again. It's okay, he always busy. I barely talk with him and I'm used too it, anyways I have Zayn and his family and mine own. Even though they're miles away. 

"Is something wrong?" Zayn whisper. I jerk up and shook my head. I'm finally happy, I'm not going to let things ruining me. 

"I'l-" Before I can finish the door swung open. It's my dad. 

My eyes got wider. He's darker than before, he's more fit, and he still has short black hair with his brown eyes. Everyone got  quiet and look at my dad. Dad. 

"Lily, oh God you're fine." My dad said. Moving through the croward. I saw my grandma rolling her eyes, I chuckle. She never like my dad. Zayn let go of my hand and move out of the way. My dad hug me tightly. His big biceps can cover half of my face. He let me go and cup my face. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" My dad ask.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Gamma said. My dad let out a breath. 

"It's been a while Aphrodite." My dad turn to face my Gamma. 

"Yes, I'm surprise you're even here. Don't you have another family to worry about." Gamma spit. Not here, not now.

"Yes but my daughter is in France, Paris in a damn hospital. She almost died." My dad said. Calmly. 

"Oscar, please. She's okay. There's no need to freak out." My mom told him. He roll his eyes. Sadly, my parents can't be in the same room with each other. Well my family can't be in the same room with each other. They will rip their heads off each other.

"Well, Victoria. I didn't knew she was here, I didn't knew she didn't live my brother anymore." My dad told her. 

"Dad, is my other brothers and sisters?" I interrupt them. Before they start screaming at each other in front of everyone. 

"Yeah, they're downstairs, There's a lot of girls out there too." My dad mention. The guys chuckle. My dad look at Zayn and raise his brow. "Zayn, wow. Look at you." 

Zayn nod. I don't know why my dad is reacting to him He only saw Zayn once his life, he was too busy to even seen him. Or me. I'm glad my dad is here but in the same time my Gamma is right. Why is he here, he choose his other children than me. He's busy with them to even bother talk with me. 

"Lily, you're going to come and live with me." My dad said. 

"What?" My hands were in a ball of fist. Well, my right hand.

"Oscar, she's not going to live with you." My mom said. 

"Look where she in now. Who knows what else could have happen to her. I can't even trust my own brother." My dad threw his hands up.

"It's not like she drinking or doing drugs. She's doing fine, you're overreacting like you always do." 

"Oh, at least I didn't move out of the damn country." 

"At least I didn't get remarried and moved away in a month. Anyways I had too, my mom was dying. Lily didn't want to go with you and I didn't want to force her to come to Greece."

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