Chapter 11

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No one has notice my tattoo. Every time I go out my fans gives me flowers or cards to give to Lily, where ever I go people ask me how's Lily doing or if she's okay. I've been working on two new songs. My mum and Victoria have been checking on Lily, I always buy her flowers giving it to my mum so she can give it to Lily. Lily hasn't been on Twitter since that time she tweet me. I'm having a pretty normal day, just new questions about Lily. I don't answer them, I just smile and move on. I've been waiting Tuesday to see her again, it's finally Saturday. 

"You're finally going to see her mate." Harry said. I nod. 

"Can we go with you. The girls wants to go too" Louis said. "Anyways Eleanor brought her stuff animals, balloons, and flowers for Lily. She went to the extreme."

I smile. "Yeah. We can all go. I'm sure Lily will be happy seeing all of you guys."

My phone wibrate it. It was Mum.

*Love, me and Victoria are going to meet you at the hospital. Don't be late.* 

We finish our song. Paul gave me a card and balloon saying "Get Well' for Lily. Perrie is going to meet me at the hospital, so are the other girls. Me and Harry stay back as the others left. Harry look at me, umcomfortable.

"Harry, do you really like Lily?" I ask. He just blinks at me. I wait for an answer. 

"Yeah, I would like to get to know her and go on dates with her. Maybe make her my future girlfriend but if you don't want me too. I understand." Harry answer. I bit my lower lip. 

"It would be weird but I guess you guys can become something more than friends." I told him. He smile and look to the floor. We walk out and got int othe car.

"Do you think there's fans over there?" Niall ask. 

"I'm definitely sure." I answer. We let out a breath. The guys stop in small flower shop. I walk away from them to look for another flowers. I haven't gotten her yellow roses, supposedly they mean friendship. I heard giggles. I look back and fourth. The giggles came out again. I turn around and there was dozen of rose in front of my face. Yellow, pink, red, and orange. My nose start to itch. It had three balloons. I look behind the flowers, it was girls in ages of five or six years old. They had One Direction shirts on. They're twins but with different color of eyes. One had green eyes and the other had blue. 

"You're going to visit Lily, can you give her this. We made it ourselves." The little girl said. 

"Well, mummy help us. You don't have to pay for it. It's free." Said the other twin. I smile. Their shirts were white. I got a black marker and sign my name on it.

"Thank you. You guys are awesome." I told them. I took the vase realize it had a cheerleading bow on it. Put it on the table and hug them. They both scream and giggle. We finally got in the car. The guys had small vases with varieties, Harry and I had the biggest one. We finally arrive and there was about two hundred maybe more, fans out the hospital doors. Screaming and calling our names. They had flowers, stuff animals, and balloons. Once we got out of the car, the scream start to get louder, flashes started. We finally went in, my mum and Victoria were with Dr.Miller. I saw Perrie and the other girls coming from the side. I gave Perrie a peck. 

"What kind of kiss is that!? That's pussy kiss." I heard a old woman say behind me with a deeper Greek accent. It's that Lily's grandma.

"Mom! Please, can you be a normal old lady for once." Victoria said. I saw her walk behind me with wooden cane. She had a flower print blouse and a coral skirt which reach to her knees. She's short, maybe 5'0. Her blond her seem like white hair. She has big blue eyes like Lily. She hit me on the head with a her wooden cane. The guys start to laugh and Perrie mouth hang open. 

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