Chapter 10

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Zayn POV

She slap me. I wouldn't think she would actually do it but she did. Pretty hard. I saw her storming out. I just stood there, I saw my ripe ticket laying on the floor I fell to my knees, staring at the open door. I still couldn't process what I did or said. I blink various times. What have I done. I got up and close the door. Her eyes were blood shot red. I never made a girl cry, well my mum when she found out the news. I grab my phone and text her.

*Lily, come back home. I don't know what else to say. I fucked up really bad but just come back so we can talk about it*

I know she wouldn't answer right now. I kept text her until she answer. Its been an hour and I haven't heard from her. I finally decide to call her. It went straight to voicemail. Damn it Lily! I slam my phone on the coffee table. I switch through the channels and stop at the news. There's was an car accident. With a BMW and a range rover. My heart skip a beat. That can't be Lily's car. It just can't. I grab my phone and call her again. Her phone is still off. Damn it Lily. Turn on your damn phone! I call her about twenty times and still no answer.

The reporter said. "Yes, the drunk man is okay. Just a couple of bruises and cuts but the girl is still stuck in the car. We do not know the girl's name yet but we will find out soon. This channel Four, back to you Jesse." 

I keep calling her but nothing. I haven't change the channel. Please don't let it be her. I will die if it is her. I haven't taken my eyes of the television. My breathing start to get heavy and my eyes became watery. They finally want back to the accident scene.

"They finally took her out of the car. She's in critical condition. Still not knowing her name but she's in the ambulance going to the hospital."

I want to know her name! I kept calling her but it still send me to voicemail. I threw my phone and pull my hair. Please let Lily be fine. Let her be somewhere in a hotel or even with a random guy. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up head towards the door, then I heard my phone ring. I run to my phone and it was Liam. Damn it! What the fuck does he want.

"What!" I spit.

"Is Lily with you?" Liam ask. I didn't answer. "Zayn! This is important, she migh-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I yell. Liam let out a breath.

"We finally found out her name. Lily Rivera-"

Everything all of sudden stop. I drop my phone and my knees with it. I felt tears coming down my cheeks. I didn't know what to say. I need to know what hospital she's in now. I saw the door flung open, Perrie was rushing in.

"Zayn, please tell me Lily is here." Perrie whisper. Her eyes were watery. I look down to floor. "We have to go. Lily could be possibly dying as we speak."

When she said dying my heart skip a beat. She can't. I can't lose her like that. Perrie got my arm and put it around her shoulder, pulling me up. I help her and she took me to the car. We drove fast to the hospital finding out it was close to where we live. I left my phone back at the flat. Perrie park the car. I quickly open the door and rush myself to the hospital. I went to the main desk, I ask the nurse.

"Is.Is- Lil-" I'm crying and out of breath. Perrie came by my side.

"Is there a patient name Lily Rivera?" Perrie finish my question. The nurse look at me then at the computer.

"No, I'm sorry." The nurse said.

More tears start to falling down. I went to seat down on one of the chairs. I don't know what to do. My heart ache, if I lose her I will lose everything. I'm an idiot, it's my fault. I shouldn't have argue with her, all she wanted was me to promise her I won't do the same thing. Now she's probably dying, I should have stop her.

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