Chapter 2

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France is suppose to be big city and yet I am here. In front of Zayn's girlfriend. Just my luck. She's really pretty, her hair is so flawless. Unlike mines, it's complete mess. I see her smiling at her phone, it's probably Zayn texting her. Wait, why am I over reacting. She has no idea who am I, pretty sure Zayn never mention about me to her or the guys or anyone! So they wouldn't know me. I should just walk away, even though that's rude. I really don't care. As I try to get up from my chair she looks up and smile. Shit.

"Yes." said Perrie, with a small smile. Oh, my God. Have I been staring at her the whole time, great now am a totally creep. "You want to take a picture?"

"What.." I was confused, nothing is really processing in my mind. My thoughts are everywhere. Who knows Zayn might come in any second and I'm here with his girlfriend. All of sudden there was flashing of lights and screaming girls. I look to my left it was the paparazzi and fans going crazy. 

Just my luck.

"Damn it," said Perrie, under breath. She put on sunglasses. "Come on."

"Wait.. I."

Before I can finish my sentence she grab my wrist and made me go through camera flashing, girls screaming, and lots of question being throw at. Oh yeah, rude comments towards Perrie. We got into a cab. I should tell her to take me to my hotel but I had no words, again I'm not thinking straight. I came here to escape from the guys who have hurt me. I start to bite my nails, which I want to kill myself because they're finally grown! Damn sports! We finally arrive to her house and Perrie said thank you to the man, she grab my wrist and drag me to her house, well flat. No, Perrie. Zayn might be there, I'm not ready to see him!

She open her door and came her little dog jumping on her. Happy to see her. I miss mines, makes me want to go back home. We walk further and I saw pictures of her and her family and some with Zayn and her band. Her walls were white and she had a large L shape couch it was black and her coffee table was pink and long. I'm guessing he isn't here.

"Go ahead, sit. My dog name is Hatchi." said Perrie. I did what she said. Her little dog came over me, I grab him and start to play around. "Are you hungry?"

She enter her kitchen which had a little window, which you're able to see to the living room.

"No." said Lily.


I shook my head.

"Want tea?" ask Perrie.

"I think I had enough caffeine," I said under my breath. She laugh and came back with tea, a water bottle and cookies. She sat next to me. In the corner of my eyes I saw her staring at me. Every time I look up she would look away, does she know who I am? No, there's no possible way she knows me. I hope. 

"You have dog?" ask Perrie.

"Yeah, a Siberian Husky." answer Lily, Hatchi got off my lap and went to Perrie.

"Those dogs are really cute. You're not from here." said Perrie, I'm pretty that was statement not a question.

"What made me stand out?" ask Lily, I gave her a shy smile. Then I heard knocking on the door. Oh, no. My eyes got wider as Perrie went to the door. Please don't let it be Zayn.

"Oh, my God! Hey guys!" said Perrie, loudly and happy. I didn't turn around to check who it was. I look down to my knees. Then a curly brunette sat where Perrie was sitting, I realize it was Danielle and Liam. I saw Eleanor with Louis, and Harry sat in the other end. Using his phone. They all smile and said hi. Zayn is about to pop out. I need to leave.

"Guys, this in my new friend. Lily." said Perrie. Friend? Wait, I never mention my name to her. I heard my phone virbrating and I turn it off. I'm pretty sure that's Alice.

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