Chapter 13

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"Gamma is not getting any younger. Open the damn door!" Gamma spit. Push us out of the way while hitting all of us with her cane. Even Dr.Miller. Gamma gets way too comfortable. She swung the door and we follow her. I let out a breath and Leo rub my shoulder. We both give each other small smiles. I slip my hand through my hair. I saw Lily unconscious. Her heart beat is slow, heart monitor drive me insane. She had an IV on her right hand. She looks so small and fragile, she still looks pale. It hurts me so much just seeing her like this. 

If only that was me. I ran my finger tips on her arms. I look up and Dr.Miller. He's talking to Victoria, I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Her face impression is blank, she just keep nodding everything Dr.Miller is telling her. They finally enter the room.

"Thank you for not pressing on charges on Lily's dad. I'm really sorry about that." Victoria said. He chuckle.

"It's okay, if that was my daughter I would probably done the same." Dr.Miller told her. She smile and squeeze his arm. Oh Vic, stop flirting. Perrie came next to me and look down to Lily. Alice and Leo were talking to Gamma.

"How long is Lily staying here?" I ask. Dr. Miller look at me. 

"She still can leave Saturday but I'm suggusting she should go back to Miami." My heart drop when Dr.Miller said that. 

I shook my head rapidly. 

"No! I can't lose her again." I sob. Perrie pull me closer to her.

"Zayn it's not about you. It's about Lily's health. She doesn't live here." My mum told me. She's right. I felt a small hand grabbing mines. Perrie let me go, I turn around. Lily is opening eyes, smiling. 

"I couldn't ask for a better best friend." Lily whisper. The corner of my lip start to curl. 

"Lily." I said under my breath. 

"Mom, I'm okay. I want to love here." Lily said. Everyone mouths hang up.

"Are you okay Lily. Are sure? You have your doctors, you-"

"Dr.Miller, I know but I've been through enough to stay here. I know it surprising. I know mom, how I love living there but I was going to move anyways. I will even come live with you. Just to be closer to my friends. My real ones." Lily said. She look at me then Perrie. We both look at each and smile. She squeeze my hand. 

"Where's my dad?" Lily ask. We all look away. 

"Your father knock out your doctor." Gamma shout it. Lily mouth was a "O' shape. She look at Dr.Miller. He just shrug. 

"Please don't-"

"Lily, it's fine. Nothing is going to happen but I shouldn't be in same room with him." Dr.Miller interrupt her. She nod. I'm happy she's fine. 

"Damn, there's a lot of girls still out there." Gamma said and look at me. I look to the ground and smirk. "Zac, I thought you only had one girlfriend. Please don't tell me your like Grandpa."

"Gamma! That's his fans. Jesus Christ!" Lily yell. Perrie chuckle.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Perrie. Well Gamma, is getting tired." Gamma said. Yawning. She got up and came over Lily, pushing me out of the way. "Take care, I will see you tomorrow." 

Gamma kiss her forehead. 

"Ow." Lily getting hit on the head with the cane. She came up to me and hit me as well. Kiss Perrie on the cheek and went over to her daughter. 

"Can I stay with her?" I ask. Dr.Miller nod. Everyone start to leave. Perrie was the last one to leave.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight." Perrie said. She kiss me and wave goodbye to Lily. 

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