Chapter 9

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We enter the house. The guys were sitting on the couch while the girls where sitting on the dining table. Zayn went over them and I went to the girls. They all wave and smile. I look back and Harry was talking to Zayn. Gald they're okay. I'm not sure if I should go up to them. My phone start to ring. It was Alice.

"Lily! Were you with Zayn!?"

"Yes, why?"

"Just wondering" I ask

"Can you notice me?"

"No of course not. It's okay. I miss you so much Lily! Can you come to Greece already!"

I start to laugh.

"I wish but not yet. Still need to fix things"

I heard my grandma in the background yelling at Alice to talk Greek. I start to laugh, my grandma knows English but yet she doesn't want to use it. She's really complicated. We said our goodbyes and click off the phone.

"Have you guys seen the pictures?" I ask them. They nod.

"Its okay Lily, it's rumors and trash. It doesn't mean anything to me. Just ignore it, well try. Because your new to this" Perrie said. I smile.

"Yeah, it's sometimes pathetic but you just got move on." Danielle said and Eleanor just nod. I chuckle.

"Well, someone is rude not saying hi." Liam said. He gave me a hug.

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your talk with the guys." I said. He laugh and shook his head. The other guys came up to and gave me a hug. The everyone start to talk with each other. I escape from them and went to my room. I got my laptop and send my dad an email. My life is difficult, having parents living in a different state or country, stressing over school and sports. Trying to get my dream university to notice me. Right now I should be home, visiting universities and apply them. I should be practicing for volleyball to go to states again. Hoping Penn State or NYU notice me. I'm here, in Paris, France fixing my friendship with Zayn. God, what am I doing with my life. I fell onto my bed. My friends are probably at parties getting drunk or high. Or vacationing and not having a stress in the world. I've completely everything for what I have to offer for universities. I was a damn class President of my sophomore and junior class. I rub my eyes. I shouldn't be a stressing over things, even my dad told me not too. I've accomplished everything I wanted but that's what everyone thinks. I'm just only eighteen, it doesn't mean anything. Until I become a doctor that's when I accomplished everything in my life. Also having Zayn there too. I look at my computer again and I got a email. I press on it.

Oh, my. I scream in joy. I saw my door swung open and Zayn rushing in. His eyes are full of worry, I saw the others behind him. I run to him and jump on him.

"What happened!?" Zayn ask.

"Penn State wants to meet me! Oh, my God! I think I'm dreaming! I'm going to cry!" I yell. He look confused and I start to laugh. "The university I want to go to wants to meet me."

"Oh. Oh, wow. T-"

"I need to call Alice!" I interrupt Zayn, getting off of him. I got my phone and call her.

"Hello?" Alice answer



"Penn State wants to meet me!"

We both scream. I didn't have no other words how I feel like this but it's the best feeling I ever had. I talk to Alice for at least an hour talking about it. I feel like everything is going right and nothing can mess it up. Well I hope not. I came out of my room. Everyone stare at me, I just smile. Zayn rush over me, grab me and twirl me around.

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