Chapter 3

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"Open the bathroom door Lily, you're being immature and unfair!" said Alice. She may be right but I just don't want to see Zayn, not now. Or maybe never. I'm not in good terms with him anyways he did ruin my relationship with Alonso. What am I talking about! I ruin it myself, but I just don't want Zayn to waste his time on me. He is perfectly fine without me in life. We're both living different life and I understand why he didn't bother talking to me. Well, he can at least have said something to me. Just one message. 'Lily I don't want to be your friend' or 'Lily don't waste your time' That's all I ask for. Why couldn't I just stop talking to him, that would have been much easier.

I couldn't let myself talk to him. Even though he completely ignored me, for some reason I still know he cares about me. He means a lot to me, I always defended him from Alonso when he talk crap about him or when other people did. People thought I was just another fan but they really didn't know he was really my best friend. I didn't tell anyone because who would believe me, there's a lot of people saying things and they will just bully me about it. I mean, I wouldn't believe it if someone told that Zayn is their best friend, no one would really believe me. I can't believe it myself but it was real. I'm sitting on the bathroom floor listening to depressing music during summer. What I should be doing is laying on Miami Beach working on my tan, going to Volleyball practices, looking for new cheerleaders, and working on dance routines. I already got hurt by Alonso, I don't need anyone else to hurt me or use me. That's how my how life has been like. Using me or hurting me. Pretty sure that's how all teenagers life are. High school practically destroy you, always having to wake up with a fake smile and be around people who doesn't even care for you. It's preparing you for the future.

"Lily, please open the door. I promise we will go home if you do." beg Alice.

I didn't want to go home. I actually don't know where to go. It just sucks that Zayn has to see me like this. Even though I've accomplish a lot of things through life I wanted Zayn to be there, telling me good job or when I'm in the lowest of myself he tells me everything would be okay. Can someone really do that. I smile on how pathetic I'm acting. Alice stop knocking on the bathroom door, I wonder if she gave up. I heard voices coming in the room. Leo, Zayn, and the others. Shit, just what I needed. Famous people to look at my pathetic stage. Why am I breaking all of sudden, I was always strong, I'm also the one out there telling them it would be okay. I guess I just been holding to much feelings, it's finally coming out. I have little book with old pictures of me and Zayn when we were little my favorite one is where he gave me the horrible haircut. I look like mushroom and you see his hands full of my hair. God, I definitely want to kill him but it's funny to see it, my face was red as a tomato because I was crying so hard and you see Zayn face so innocent. I heard a knock on the door. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Lily, I will sing your favorite song. I don't care if I embarrass myself in front of them. You know how we get. The memory when Alonso got mad for sing it."

I wish.

"'Cause I've got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you. But I see you with him slow dancing. Tearing me apart' cause you don't see, whenever you kiss him I'm breaking." sang Alice. I start to laugh. Oh God.

"Lily! Don't you let me do this by mysel-"

"Oh, how I wish that was me, with my hands on your waist while we dance in the moonlight, I wish it was me that you call later on,' Cause you wanna say good night." sang Lily.

"Oh, how I wish that was me." said Zayn.

My heart skip a beat hearing his voice, he didn't sing it. He said it.

"Lily, it's me Liam. Can I come in?" said Liam.

"How do I know Zayn is not in front of you?" ask Lily.

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