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I wake up to the sunshine warming my face and when I open my eyes they burn due to the excessive amount of light entering through the open curtains. Of course I had to forget to close them last night! But, I have to admit, last night was the first time in months I walked calmly in the street without looking over my shoulder and concern about finding my dad and everything goes wrong.

My mom asks me to go grocery shopping leaving the list of everything needed and the money in the table before she leaves for work. After taking a shower and get ready I put everything I need in my purse and leave home heading to the centre of town where I know I'll find everything in my list in a supermarket instead of going to the small grocery store near home.

When I'm about to reach my destination my phone vibrates in my pocket informing me that I got a message, unlocking it I realize that the message is from Niall who wishes me a good day. I reply and put it back in my pocket looking up and seeing "employer wanted" flyer in the window of a bookstore. I decide to schedule a job interview, it's not fair in a house where three people live just one works.

Trying not to drop anything from bags filled I land them carefully on the kitchen table and start to put away the groceries in the cupboards and refrigerator. After all tidy I warm up a piece of lasagna left over from yesterday's dinner and sit on the couch eating it while I turn on the television to see one of my favorite series, The 100. I end up spending all afternoon seeing The 100 to catch up to the episodes I missed, until my mother calls me to inform me that she wouldn't be coming home to dinner because she was going to have dinner with a work colleague. I have a feeling that it is something more than a colleague, but I say nothing.

- It's your turn to make dinner. Mom's not coming. - I tell Louis when he enters the living room already in the evening.

- But I'm going out for dinner with Harry. – He looks at me like I should know. – It's our two months anniversary.

- But everyone decided to abandon me?

- Why don't you call Niall or one of the girls?

Louis says goodbye and leaves the house leaving me alone with my thoughts. I decide to invite the girls to a movie night knowing that Niall was at his cousin's home for his birthday and I order some pizzas.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings and at the door are Emma and Daisy with two bottles of vodka in their hands. This is not going to end well.

- What is the vodka for? - I ask letting them pass.

- We're going to make some games to have fun. We need to leave a little of the routine. - Emma smiles placing the bottles in the living room coffee table.

After a while the pizzas are eaten and there is only half a bottle of vodka, of course we are not exactly sober anymore. Daisy had given the idea of playing "I Never" and we had laughed a lot.

- Seriously? You and Niall never ... - Daisy shouts completely shocked as if it is a thing of another world.

- No. I mean, we're still at the beginning of the relationship, it's early. Why are you so surprised?

- Nothing, just we thought that Niall had already jumped into your knickers. - Emma refills our glasses.

- I bet it won't take to long ... - Daisy looks at me and the three of us started laughing again.


Hello everybody, I'd like to know your opinion of the fic so far. I know I've said this a few times, but you don't answer me and is a bit discouraging be investing my time writing and have no feedback from you.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave your opinions in the comments. I wish everyone a good week.

All the love

- Andy B.xx

Reach For The Sky (N.H) |English| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now