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When I put the last bag in the room I realize how tired I am. Perhaps "traveling" by car all night isn't my strong suit.

Trying not to think about the troubled night I had I start arranging my stuff in their places. My new room isn't very diferente from the old onw, maybe a bit bigger but very basic. It has a bed, a desk and a closet, like I said, basic.

Tomorrow will be my first day of school here. The worst of being the new student of a small town's school where everyone knows each other it's being the new student. I don't know anyone and anyone knows me, well, except for my brother.

-Milla, luch is ready. – Louis appears at the door with a tired smile on his face. Seriously this boy has to have a radar, he appears every time I think about him.

-Don't forget to go earlier to school tomorrow to stop by the principal's office before class. – My mom reminds us for the millionth time.

-Yes mom. – Louis says chewing a piece of meat.

-Don't talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting! – I complain to him even though he ignores every time I do that.

-God, you're so annoying Milla.

-Guys, please don't fight. – Mom takes her hands to her head in signo f tiredness.

-We won't, mom. You know that we never really fight. – Louis holds mom's hand like he's trying to pass his strength to her.

-I'm worn-out. – Louis throws himself onto my bed belly down.

-You should go to sleep then. We have school tomorrow morning. – I say without taking my eyes of the book I'm reading.

-Are you looking forward to the first day of school? – My brother asks with his voice muffled by the pillow he has on his face.

-Oh yes, very much. I love having everyone looking at me like I'm an alien. – I say with the most ironic voice I can and he lifts his eyebrow at me. – Don't look at me like that. You know everyone will stare at us all day and that bothers me.

-Milla, you know that is normal. It's a small school and everyone knows each other. They're not used to have new students in the middle of the year. – He runs his hand through my hair ruffling it.

-Stop it! Go to your room, go. – I beat my foot in his belly slightly to try to take him off my bed, unsuccessfully what makes him laugh.

-Goodnight sisi.

-Goodnight your ugly thing.

After my brother leaves me alone in my room I put my pj on and lay down trying to fall asleep and not to think about tomorrow.

Reach For The Sky (N.H) |English| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now