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During the class any of us said a single word. I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing, but I don't want to think about that now.

Louis, Emma and I are going to the cafeteria where we're having lunch with Emma's friends. We sit in a table with four boys, including Niall, and the bronette who sitted next to Emma in Maths. After the introdutions we start eating while everyone on the table is talking.

- So, why did you came to Mullingar? – Niall asks looking at me and Louis. I think it's the first time I hear his voice.

- Our mom had a job offer here. – My brother says before I could even think of a lie. I hate to lie but in this case we have no choice. Louis and I look at each other quickly before the others noticed.

While everyone continue to talk I just hear them quietly. It's what I do best, being invisible. I can see Louis and Harry involved in what looks like an very interesting conversation. However, it looks like I'm not invisible to everyone. Niall is staring at me for a few minutes now, it looks like is thinking in somethinf to say.

- How is your first day going? – I think he's just trying to make conversation, but I decide to tease him a little.

- Well, although a boy spent the whole literature class looking at me. – I say before taking a crisp to my mouth.

When we passed the school gate everyone follows each direction and Louis and I are alone in our way home. We walk side by side in a confortable silence. Louis sighs and puts his arm around my shoulders, I have to bite my lip to repress a groan of pain. I still have a bruise in my right shoulder.

When we got home my brother throws his backpack to the floor and goes to the kitchen saying he's hungry. I go to my room to do homework. After of almost two hours com my head on the books my stomach wakes up. Walking in the kitchen I see a thoughful Louis with his eyes focused on a glass of water that lies ahead of him. I sit in front of him with an sandwich on my hand, but he doesn't even notice my presence.

- If you're trying to move the glass with the power of mind I hope you know that doesn't work. – I say taking a bite of um sandwich. He looks at me and I immediately understand that something is not right.

- What do you think he would think if he knew I'm gay? – His eyes are full of worry and sadness, I place my hand on his and look him in the eye.

- Lou, you don't have to worry about what he thinks. He's not a part of our lives anymore. – I try to look convincing but my voice is trembling.

- Wait, are you telling me that after a few hours you already fel for him? – I ask almost falling out of bed.

- Who wouldn't fall? Have you look at those green eyes or his dimples? Anyone would fall just by looking at him.

- Little brother let me inform you that you look a teenage girl in love. And you should know that he might not play for the same team as you.

- Do you have to be so negative, Milla? – Louis asks with a false indignation and I just can't hold back my laugh.

- Kinds, dinner is ready. – My mom yells from down-stairs and we got up of Louis' bed and walk to the kitchen.


All the love

- Andy B xx

Reach For The Sky (N.H) |English| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now