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The weekend, the only period of time I have to rest but instead of that I'm doing cleanings. My mom asked me to clean the living room because "I have to occupy my time with other things", she thinks I study too much and I have to find other hobbies. How cleaning is a hobby?

Since I'm short I need a chair to reach the highest shelves of the living room bookshelf. But I still can't get to the top shelf, which makes me be in my tiptoes in the chair. By stretching the arm I hit something, a photo album.

I sit in the chair flipping through the pages, there are pictures since when my parents were young to my photos Louis and I. I get it why my mother didn't want to have any more children. Louis and I were terrible as children, we would make anyone crazy, but over time we finally calm down.

I stopped at a particular photo: my father with me and Louis in his arms on our first day of school. My parents dropped us off at school and we didn't want to go. Beside that is another one of my father sleeping on the couch with his face painted and Louis and I behind him with pens in our hands. At that time he thought is was funny and could do worse than us, my mother used to say that she had three kids.

- It's a bit difficult to do cleanings while sitting. - Louis' voice behind me scares me and I get up right away. Behind him are the guys laughing of my little heart attack all sweaty because they have been playing football.

- What's that? - Louis points to the album I have in my hands ignoring the scared expression that I have on my face.

- A photo album, I found it up there. - I put it back in its place.

- I'm hungry! - Niall complains rubbing his belly.

- When aren't you? - Zayn makes fun of Niall, who makes grumpy face.

- He's right, it's almost dinner time. I'll make it. - I go to the kitchen

- I help. - Niall says almost running into the kitchen.

- We will take bath. - Louis tells pointing at him and Harry.

- Use protection. - Liam warns with a serious face.

After devouring the lasagna Niall and I made, the guys left me alone with the dishes to play FIFA. Don't they get tired of football?

- Hey, do you need some help? - I hear the calm voice of Niall despite the screams coming from the living room.

- No, I'm just finishing. - I tell him in the same tone of voice. Niall starts to help me to put the dished in the cabinet and when we finish Niall just stares at me for a few seconds and when I'm about to ask if there was something wrong he kisses me catching me off guard.


All the love

- Andy B xx

Reach For The Sky (N.H) |English| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now