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- You were wrong. - Louis sits beside me on the couch with a huge smile on his face.

- What are you talking about? - Switch off the TV and put the remote on the coffee table.

- Do you remember a few weeks ago when you said that Harry problably didn't play for the same team? – I nod. - Well, you were wrong. We have PE class together and after school we sat in the stands to speak and he kissed me.

- Seriously? - I ask amazed. Louis smiled even more and lays his head on my lap. I pet his hair as we continue to talk about his "relationship" with Harry.

- Good morning guys. - I say when I meet Liam, Daisy, Niall, Zayn and Emmaline sitting in the stands.

- Hallelujah, I'm sick of being a candle! - Niall almost jumps of joy when he sees me and Louis.

- You speak a lot but you love to be with us. - Zayn says playing with Niall.

The weather is strangely good today, so almost all the students are in the stands. This is one of the few days that we don't need to walk with huge coats. There are people in shorts and short sleeves, which I think is an exaggeration because, frankly, is not enough heat for that.

- Good morning. - Harry pulls me out of my thoughts. Grabs Louis by waist and kisses him. While we all smile to the scene I can see the others who were in the same space to looking surprised.

- Disgusting. - A girl sitting behind us said and I stood up shocked.

- Disgust? Do you think two people demonstrating their love for each other is disgusting? Disgusting is in the twenty first century still exists people with a mindset as retrograde as yours. Love is love, no matter gender, age or skin color. - Before I could continue with my speech Emma and Daisy pull me out of there. Usually I'm not like this, I do not like confusion but it was my brother she was talking about and I don't accept that.

- Hey it's okay. - Louis hugged me when we got to the lockers.

- No, it's not. No one can talk like that to a person just because of their "choices". - I hugged him back.

- You are okay? - Niall sits next to me in the school yard's tables.

- Yes, I just didn't like what that girl said. It's my brother, damn it. How is he? - Niall puts his arm around my shoulders and I put my head on his shoulder.

- He and Harry are a bit down but the guys are trying to cheer them up. Do not worry.

I looked at him and my mind just stopped. It was as if the world stopped, or maybe I'm just being lame. Before I could understand what is happening Niall's lips were already sticked to mine.

- Do you think people also would find our relationship disgust? - Niall says when we parted. I just smile and pulled him back for another kiss.



I wanted to tell you I didn't write this chapter just because. It is that the human being is said to be super developed, but in thetwenty first century still sees very homophobic prejudice. In my opinion this must end. Each one is as it is and the others just have to accept it. Love is love, no matter gender, age or skin color.

Anyway, it was just that. Good reads J

All the love

- Andy B xx

Reach For The Sky (N.H) |English| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now