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I was walked into school feeling extremely nervous. I didn't feel like facing Brianna or Ashton. Especially Calum, after I told him I believed him.

I silently roamed around the school waiting for the bell to ring. I was keeping my calm, that was until I caught the eyes of Brianna.

I saw her rush towards me kind of scaring me a bit. I mean she was the cause of someone's suicide! so was Ashton..

"Denise! We haven't talked in a while! Why is that?" She asked tilting her head.

Because you killed someone.

"Hey Denise can I talk to you for a sec." Said Luke.

I don't remember Connor mentioning Luke's name at all yesterday.

He pulled me into the back buildings Ashton, Michael, and Calum following close behind. Ok this was making me really nervous. They all looked so intimidating it was terrifying.

"You don't believe him do you!" Calum cried griping my shoulders making me jump at the sudden contact.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. He saw how terrified I was and his face softened.

"Dammit! You believe him! Why?!" He wined shaking me.

"Calum! Get off of her!" Luke nudged.

"Listen whatever Connor told you, it's the complete truth." Luke said surprising me a but at the confession.

"Luke! We're trying to get her on our side!" Michael groaned.

Luke looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Ok Denise" he sighed "they've changed, trust me."

Does he really expect me to believe that! After what they did I shouldn't even be around them! I refuse to believe that! I don't trust them anymore. How am I even so sure I should trust Luke! Maybe he was the brains of the whole situation! Maybe he acting all nice guy now and they have been planing to ruin me too! Once the idea came into my head my eyes widened. What if that was the case.

"Denise?" Ashton spoke putting a hand on my shoulder.

"D-don't touch me." I said barley audible.

I shook his hand off and pushed past them. I was beyond terrified. What if that was their whole plan! That's why they didn't want me to know what they did! I mean why else would they want me to forgive them so much?!

Because they like you.

Haha very funny. I crack myself up.

Just as I got a good length away from them the bell rang. It's just my day isn't it.

I went to the class sitting down in the same desk in the corner as yesterday. I sighed of relief. I had gotten away from them, well at least for 15 minutes. I saw Connor walk in. He smiled at me and sat in the seat across of mine.

"You won't believe what happened this morning." Connor said rolling his eyes.

My eyebrows frowned as I asked what happened. "Brianna came up to me and Kevin asking for forgiveness. She's 2 years late if you ask me."

Is she serious? She's barley trying to apologizing?

"I'm not even the one she should be apologizing to, she should tell the parents." If the parents knew what Brianna put her through I don't think they would accept, I mean I know I wouldn't.

I the late bell rang and in rushed in Ashton. Holy fuck I totally forgot he had this homeroom. He quickly spotted me.

"Hey buddy." He said as he patted Connors back.

Connor glared at him as he took his seat next to mine. I was less nervous this time. Connor is here with me. He wouldn't let him do anything to me.

"Listen Denise, trust me I'm not the same person I was 2 years ago I promise!"

"Bullshit!" Connor exclaimed making some people look our way.

"Why don't you go sit with your other buddies you murderer!" Connor shouted. The whole class was silent. The teacher didn't even say anything about his comment.

Ashton's face showed sadness with a mix of guilt. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

Instead of sitting somewhere else he walked out of the class. And everyone just watched.

This is boring, I'm sorry ;-;

But it's Harry Styles birthday today :)))))))))) my bbys 22 .-.

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