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"What did you hear exactly?" Asked Ashton as we left homeroom the other two boys following close behind.

"All I heard was Calum saying he wanted the feeling to be real! That's-" I quickly shut up because the two boys were standing in front of us.

"Hey guys what's up." Said Calum smiling like always. Michael on the other hand looked really upset.

The 4 of us stood frozen staring at the pair. Connor and Kevin were the first to awkwardly walk away not looking back. I coughed and followed them. That was too much.

Connor, Kevin and I hid behind a corner stalking the three boys.

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know! They're just talking!"

They continued like that for a good 10 minutes. We were at lunch right now and we were just so anxious to know what Ashton, Calum, and Michael were talking about.

They could be talking about anything really. But Kevin suggested Ashton try to get information out of the two.

"Wait, somethings happening." Kevin said slowly. Connor and I creeped behind the wall and watched intently.

Calum was now standing and had a pointed finger towards Michael and he looked really angry. Michael on the other hand look like he was about to burst out crying. Ashton quickly stood and tried to calm Calum down. He shook Ashton off and stormed away. I looked over at Michael and he was sobbing into his hands. Ashton was quick to comfort him. Oh my God what just happened?

"Uh" I said breaking the silence.

"I feel terrible! What if this is my fault oh no! This is my fault! I did this!" Exclaimed Kevin pacing back and forth and beginning to breathe heavily.

"Calm down now, this isn't your fault." Cooed Connor, running his fingers through his boyfriends hair and pulling him into a tight hug. Aww! It took all of my will not to squeal.

I smiled and walked away. They are absolutely adorable. I didn't want to go with Ashton for obvious reasons. And I would not bother Calum at this time.

I need some alone time to think.

I walked into the library and sighed as the cool air hit my warm body. I sat at one of the circular tables and tapped my fingers against the light wood. I enjoyed this silence.

That sadly did not last.

"Hey Denise!" Screeched Brianna.

Oh great. She's hear to blame me about her and Ashton breaking up again. Ugh.

"I am hear to thank you." She said showing off her wide creepy smile. I showed her a confused look.

"If me and Ashton never broke up then Jason would've never asked me out!" Wait. Didn't her and Ashton break up like, today?

"Oh uh? Okay?"

She smiled once more and jumped out of her seat walking towards that Jason guy. I saw him put his arm around her, then his eyes soon traveled to some girls ass that was walking by. Wow I can already tell how that relationship is going to end.

But at least she's off my case.

I sighed. Finally I get quiet.

"Hey Denise."

Spoke too soon.

"Hey Calum."

"Can I tell you something? I just need someone to talk to." Ugh! More secrets!

"Sure." I am such an idiot.

Calum sighed before talking. "Ok well a while back I was hanging out with Michael and we were just you know watching tv and messing around right? Nothing else." Calum looked as if he was contemplating on telling me anything, but he continued. "And as a joke I shoved Michael off the couch and I put my legs up on where he was sitting. He then laid my stomach telling me to move. But when I didn't he pulled me down on the floor with him and we just started wrestling." Calum put his hand over his face as if he was embarrassed. "Then we just laid on the floor laughing like idiots." He took a small paused, "We just looked at each other and, I don't know I felt butterflies in my stomach. But it was different like I became nervous. I felt sort of attracted to him. It was weird but we didn't do anything, just stared. I started to look at every feature in his face like how he has this small scar above his eyebrow. I've never noticed it before. But then he started biting his lip. And let me tell you I've never felt more attracted to someone ever until then." He was slightly smiling but then he stopped and gulped. "Then he uh he started to lean in, I didn't know what was happening but I started to lean in too." He lowered his voice and lowered his head. "And I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next."

I was just staring at him. I mean I sorta already knew they had a thing but not this? I really wanted to smile and yell about how cute it was but I don't really think it's the right time.

"So are you guys like together or?" Play dumb.

"Well uh.. not exactly."

The bell rung.

Perfect timing.

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