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The dismissal bell rang and immediately kids started rushing out of class. Me not wanting to confront Ashton, or anyone really, I rushed out following the sea of students.

I heard Connor and Ashton yell after me but I was already rushing down the stairs so I couldn't stop now. I got down and I saw Kevin and Melissa in the corner of the quad. Should I go up to them? We still aren't technically friends again. I didn't have any time to think of what to do because Connor was already walking towards the two. How'd he get down here so quick?

I looked as Connor and Kevin hugged and smiled. No matter how mad I was, I was happy that they were getting along again. They were probably the cutest couple I've ever seen.

While I was staring my eyes drifted towards Melissa. We made eye contact, and she awkwardly waved at me with a crooked smile. I smiled and waved back. I was about to go and walk up to them but someone stood next to me and put their hand on my shoulder. I already knew who that person was. Ashton.

"So." He said breaking the small silence.

"So." I replied, shifting from foot to foot.

"So about what I said," I let out a sigh. I really don't want to talk about this; I tend to make things really awkward and I rather not embarrass myself in front of my crush. Woah. Did I really just call him my crush?
"I really don't want to make things awkward between us, just forget I said anything, yeah?" Oh. Right. Yeah of course.

I looked at him nodding. I didn't say anything because I knew if I did my voice would quiver.

We just stared at each other for awhile until I felt myself get lightheaded. I knew then I had to get out. I broke our eye contact and headed for the gates.

Once I was out I realized he was my ride. After Melissa and I stopped talking he would give me rights. I've really fucked up haven't I.

I groaned and looked at all the students walking home. I really hate walking. Why'd this have to happen on the hottest day of the week. This is terrible. I should probably stop wasting time and start walking. Ugh I'm mad.

I probably have been walking for about 5 minutes and I was already sweating. Ewe.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and I heard some kids, freshmen probably, snickering and laughing; obviously at me. I feel so embarrassed. I just continued to walk, faster. I wanted to lose those stinking kids.

I felt as I walked faster they also walked faster. I just couldn't seem to lose them. That just made start to speed walk faster, causing me to sweat even more.

"She's jiggling!" giggled one of the boys. Ugh, their so immature.

Their comment did make me start walking slower. Maybe I can walk slower and they can just pass me.

That plan worked better. The three boys passed me in no time. One of the boys looked at me as they passed and she burst out laughing.

"She's so red!" He exclaimed to his friends making them turn around and laugh and snicker at me. I stopped walking and one small tear ran down my face. Oh excuse me, my red face.

Before I could continue walking a very familiar looking car pulled up next to me.

"Need a ride?"


I quickly got into the car and to my pleasure Melissa had the air on and it felt so good. My eyes shut and a loud sigh left my mouth.

The car ride was silent. But mostly awkward. Melissa and I haven't talked in so long I had no idea what to say exactly.

We got to my house but we only just sat there. I made no effort to move, mostly because I was exhausted from the walk, but we just sat there in her car not saying a word.

"Um we should catch up soon." She said breaking the silence.

"Yeah definitely." I said still not moving.

"Oh uh Kevin and I are hanging out at Connors house if you want to stop by later." She said fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah okay." I said gulping.

"So uh..bye." She said.

I mumbled a quiet bye and opened the door and walked into my house.

The first thing I did when I closed my house door was head to the shower. I obviously looked disgusting and smelted it too.

Next thing I knew I was standing in front of Connors house. My hand went to knock but I hesitated. I'm really nervous about having to talk to Kevin and Melissa again. I don't know I just feel weird. I mean it's never too late to go back home it is just across the street.

Okay, actually I need to stop being a little bitch.

I took my hand and knocked on the door. Okay actually I regret this.

Before I could walk away the door opened.

"Denise!" Exclaimed excitedly Melissa. Well there's no going back now.

I've been slacking ;-; vv sorry
I'll TRY and start to get back on track but I've had a lot of writers block kms ;-;;-;

Anyways you guys should follow me on my Instagram&Twitter lol

Insta : _heyimdestiny
Twit : destinydgd4

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