•Third And Final Try•

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•Third And Final Try•


At first I thought I was changing, but I noticed I was shrinking. I finally realized what was going on. Am I a fúcking Mouse? Why in the hell am I a mouse? I started to hear laughing. Familiar laughing. No...

I look and see where the laugh was coming from. That's when I see her. That witch. Now why the hell she turned me into a mouse!?! I didn't do anything!

I need to get to her, but this tree looks even more high up. I jump down, branch by branch, almost falling. I make it to the last branch, but it's still too far up.

Suddenly I hear Natalie calling me. I guess she tried to find me.

"Natalie!" I yell at least I can talk, but my voice is squeaky as hell.

Natalie looks around, then keeps on walking. I yell her name again and she turns her head. I wave around till she finally saw me.

"Aww what a cute little mouse." Natalie says.

"Natalie it's me Kayla." I say. She face totally changes.

"Kayla! What happened!" Natalie says.

"That witch! She turned me into a mouse!" I say.

"Why in the hell would she do that?" Natalie asks.

"I remember Rayan saying the witch was after us. I guess she know us as humans." I say. "Go find Rayan!" I say.

"What about you?" Natalie asks.

"I'm gonna go witch hunting."


I walk beside the starting of the woods. I think I lost that Kyle dude. But, I'm right by the woods just in case.

I see Chresanto come up to me on the woods side.

"Flora got out again." Chresanto says. I forgot about her an her food.

"Dang I forgot about her! Where do you think she is?" I ask.

"Probably a food place." Chresanto says.

"Yeah, let's look around." I say.

We walking around town, looking for any sign of Flora. Knowing her, she probably did something.

"Rayan!" I hear someone yell. Both Chresanto and I turn our heads. It was Natalie. Chresanto looked a bit nervous.

"It's okay. She's good." I say. Chresanto calms down a bit. Natalie runs up to us, looking scared.

"It's Kayla. That witch turned her into a mouse!" Natalie yells.

"What!" Chresanto says.

"Dàmn! Not Kayla!" I say.

"Kayla said that witch was after us. Isn't that what you said?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah, but I lied. She's just after Kayla." I say.

"Why!" Natalie yells.

"It's...it's a long story." I say. "Let's just find Kayla and Flora." I say.

"Wait, where's Kayla?" Chresanto asks.

"She Umm, went after the witch." Natalie says.

"Now we really need to find them." I say.

We all start running around, looking for Flora. I knew if I find her, Kayla won't be far behind.

We still couldn't find her, till we heard yelling. Me and Chresanto normally ran to the sound.

Flora was trying to get a mouse off her face. It was actually kind of funny.

Natalie ran up to Flora and grabbed Kayla. Flora looked pissed.

"Here's Kayla." Natalie says.

"Rayan! Look what that witch did to me!" Kayla yells, in her squeaky voice.

Chresanto went to get Flora while Natalie gave Kayla to me.

"I never wanted this happen to you. This is all my fault." I say.

"No it's not Rayan. I'll be fine. We just got to get her to change me back." Kayla says.

"Too Bad! the Spell is permanent! Ha!" Flora yells.

Kayla looked devastated. No, there has to be another way. It has to be.

"Kayla, try to change to your cat form." I say.

"Okay." Kayla says, "but it probably won't work."

I put Kayla down, seeing those purple eyes. Her fur turned black but nothing happened.

"No." I murmur. This is all my fault.

But then, she started to get larger. That's when she started running for the woods.

By the time she reached the woods, was about the size of a large dog, and still growing.

"If this works, let me get her clothes." Natalie says, running off.

Kayla was a full cat self, she was examining herself. I could tell her face expression was happy.

Natalie soon came back with Kayla's clothes.

"Kayla change back. And here's your clothes." Natalie says, throwing the clothes to her. Kayla catches them with her tail, then runs off. I hope it works.

A few minutes pass and Kayla still isn't back. Did it work or not?

"Rayan! It didn't work!" A squeaky voice says. I sigh, in disappointment.

"Just playing." Kayla says, walking from behind a tree. She was her natural self.

I just ran up to her and hugged her. Everybody else soon joined in on the hug. I'm just glad, Kayla's back.

Me and Rayan were walking in the wood. Everybody else was gone so it was just us.

"How come Flora turned me into a mouse, but didn't hurt the others." I ask.

"I don't know." Rayan says. I can tell he's lying.

"Your lying." I say.

"Dang. Okay, it's a really long story." Rayan says.

"Oh." I say. My iPod vibrates in my pocket.

"Dang, I gotta go." I say.

"See you later." Rayan says. We hug.

We let go but we're kinda close. Kissing range close. Lord, this again. I bet something is gonna happen. All if sudden, Rayan pushed his lips on mine. It was like heaven on earth. I know this is my first kiss and all but, this kiss. The kiss was so good, my eyes changed to a bright purple. I felt it.

Rayan finally pulled back, seeing my eyes the color that their are.

"Oh my god, it is you." I hear Rayan murmur.

What he mean by that. Yeah, it's me. Who else?

"What?" I say.

He didn't say anything, he just kissed me again.


Wow lol.
I wanna say......HAPPY BIRDAY ROC ROYAL 🎉🎊 Finally 16 after 84 years lol. Bye now :) ~Peace

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