•How It Started•

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•How It Started•

I didn't mean to like the enemy. It's just, I don't know, girl feelings. None of this wouldn't of happened if the others would if just done their job.

~2 Weeks Earlier~

I was just lying around in the hut, bored as usual. The Hut is located in a cave but it looks nothing like a cave. It looks more nice than Batman's bat cave.

Just cause we're part animal doesn't mean we're stupid. Half the inventors in the world are weres. Hell, People can thank a were-cat for their iPhone.

While sitting around, playing on my iPod, I get a call from the computer near by. I answer it. It's one of the were-wolves, Kyle.

"What Kyle?" I say. No one usually calls me unless they need me to do something.

"Well hey to you too." Kyle says.

"What is it?" I say, trying to get to the point.

"Okay, one of my class mates disappeared a few days ago and no one knows where she is." Kyle says.

"And how does that involve us?" I say.

"There's like no trace of her. So I after school I looked in her locker"

"Nosey much?" I say.

"Just listen. I looked in there and I saw a spell book. The girl was a witch." Kyle says.

"Wow. So, isn't that a good thing that she left?" I say.

"No, she left by force. While I was there, I took a look at the security cameras. I rewind end it back far enough and I saw her being dragged. But, I didn't see the person. They was invisible to the camera." Kyle says.

"Vampire. What would a vampire want with a witch?" I ask

"I don't know. But I hope you could go out there. Me & the others can't go cause we're on a school field trip, and we won't be able to come back till Eleven o'clock." Kyle says. I'm like the only one here without a life. Just me and my iPod.

"Okay, I'll go look around." I say.

"Thanks. Peace" Kyle says.

"Bye." I say. The screen goes black.

I kinda used to like Kyle a little bit, but once I got to know him a little better, I knew he wasn't my type.

I check the clock which says 9:04. Okay, it's dark enough. I go over to a small room and grab some leggings And a skin tight shirt. See, when we change, skin tight clothing is able to survive the change. Yes, even undergarments.

I change my clothes and walk outside the cave. I look outside, and the moon is full. Not that it matters. We can change whenever we want. And the change isn't painful, just weird.

Before I get close to town, I'm already in my cat form. I jump on a roof of a building. I look around my surroundings. Not a lot of people out, so that's good.

It's hard to see me since I'm a black were-cat. And we look more like really big panthers, not cats.

I swiftly jump from one building to the next, avoiding any person. I look around and see a woman, in her 20's walking very erratically. She's drunk.

I look around and see a shadowy figure not far behind the woman. I keep my guard up, expecting the worse.

The figure sped up to the woman with un-human speed. The woman freaked and tried to get away but he had a good grip on her. My cue to come in.

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