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•A few hours later•

"They were here. Their scent is still here barely." Aj says, sniffing the air.

I pass a tree and see claw marks, that proved Kayla being here.

I pick up a leaf with blood on it, but luckily it isn't either Kayla or Rayan, because of the human smell.

"Here's some tire tracks." Craig says. I walk over to him, looking at the tracks.

"Aye Kyle, do you think you can track the scent?" Ever since we started looking for Kayla and Rayan, Kyle hasn't been really helpful. I know he doesn't care for Rayan, if anything he wants him dead, but he acts if he never cared for Kayla. Yeah, to him she's a little troublesome, but hell she's still part of the pack.

"Yeah, I guess." Kyle touched the tracks and brought his fingers to his nose. He stands up, spinning around and sniffing the air. Suddenly he starting running a direction, changing before he was a good twenty feet from us. He stopped and looked back, nodding his head the direction he was going.

We took the signal and ran with him. I noticed Craig staring at me while running before running into a tree. Jacob immediately stopping running and started laughing. Chresanto just went up to him to help him up. Kyle noticed most of us stopped running and looked back. He looked like he was going to rip someone's head off, which isn't an unusual look for him. He just continued running.

Soon we were back on track and after running at least ten miles, Kyle just stopped in front of an open field.

"Why you'd stop?" Tori asks, looking confused.

Kyle returned into his normal for, showing the spandex he had on before.

"They're here." He simply says.

"All I see is some large barn. They can't be in there." Jacob says.

"They're underground. There's a lot of people down there, but I can definitely smell Kayla." Kyle says.

I get close to the ground, put my ear against the earth. Kyle was right. I hear voices left and right.

"He's right." I say, "the barn is the entrance."

"Okay, so what now? It's a suicide mission if we just barge in there." Tori says.

"That's why I have a plan." I say proudly. I turn towards Craig. "Now you're sure you can communicate with Kayla?"

"Yeah, I've read her mind before." Craig says.

"Wait, you can speak in people's minds?" Jacob asks.

"I've been able to. Maybe if you wasn't too busy in females you would know." Craig sasses back. There was some snickers from the group. Jacob just stayed silent.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Ally asks.

"Yeah. I just have to look for Kayla thoughts." Craig says.

He sits down, his eyes becoming the blood red that was infamous everywhere.

I really hope this works.


"Hey if we do have kids, what you'd think they'll look like?" Rayan asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe they'll have long hair like yours." I say, petting his hair.

"And they can have your brown skin," Rayan stares at the ceiling while saying the statement. His wide smile makes me smile.

"And they can be skinny like you. Well we're both skinny."

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