•The Day Isn't Over Yet•

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•The Day Isn't Over Yet•
•A few hours later•

I'm getting more concerted by the minute.

As soon as the hunters escorted us back to our cell, Kayla just passed out. It's been a few hours and she still hasn't woken up.

I walk back and forth from my cell, hoping she's okay. I've tried to wake her up but nothing's working. I've thought of slapping her, but I was too scared to try that.

After I while, I just sit in my cell, letting time pass by. I hear the familiar sound of heels clicking before they would come to a stop at our cell.

Dr. Ross has a concern look on her face as she comes faces me.

"I need to speak to you. In a another room however." Dr. Ross says. I automatically stress out. I can't leave Kayla out my sight. Kayla almost went into the animal state because I was only a few feet away.

"Why not here?" I ask frantically. She only moved her eyes to Kayla. 

"We don't want to provoke her again.' Dr. Ross looks terrified even talking about what happened.

I don't want to go. I'm afraid to even leave ten feet of her. What if she wakes up and freaks out that beacuse I'm not there? What if I can't stop her in time the next time? It can't be so cautious that I can't even be in the same room as her. I mean, she knocked out. What can she hear?

"It can't be that serious that I have to leave.' I retailate. Dr. Ross shakes her head.

"Even if she is knocked out cold, it would be more advised to leave the room. I swear it won't take long." 

I sigh heavily, getting up slowly. I don't want to leave her. I don't want her to wake up thinking she's alone. That'll only frighten her more. However, I stand by the entrance, ready to go. Dr. Ross just simply grabs me and pulls me through the force field. I simply look confused as we walk to a familiar room. 

It's the same interrigation room from last time. I sit in the same chair as Dr. Ross sits in hers. She simply sighs for a moment.

"We...rarely see a were act like Kayla did. We only had one were act like that. However, what you did is something we never saw before. We've seen Were's go full on crazy mode and go back to normal by themselves but we all knew what Kayla was going through. They named it right?" 

"Yeah," I sit up in the chair,"they call it, the Animal state." 

"Animal State?" Dr. Ross looks puzzled.

"Yes. It's something a Were goes thruough under extreme circumstances. I've only seen it one other time in my lifetime." I cringe at the thought of the memories.

"Do you know how long this animal state lasts? Or how to prevent it?" Dr. Ross pulls out a clipboard, her pen ready to write.

"The lenght of the Animal State varies with each person. I've heard stories of Weres being in that state for years.  And the only good way to prevent it is to not make them angry."

"And every Were can go through this?" Dr. Ross doesn't even look up from her clipboard.

"Yeah. It's like it's built into every Were. The reason they call it the "Animal" state is because the animal half of themselves take over. And when it happens, the human part is no longer connected with the animal side, and they literally have no control. They're eyes turn black and they become they monsters you think they are." Dr. Ross writes down every word as if she's a reporter. 

"And what happeneds when they come out of the Animal state?' Dr. Ross asks.

"That's if they come out. Most of the time you have to kill them to get them to stop. But, if they do snap out of it, they're no longer the same. It's like...every emotion is gone. Their eyes are no longer a certin color, but grey. They act as if they are no longer human.' 

Dr. Ross just sits in silence, not even writing down what I said. Her eyes seem to a dispare like emotion to them. 

She knew somebody in the Animal state. 

I don't bother to ask though. It seems to painful for her to bring up. Plus, I want to get back to Kayla as soon as possible.

"Can I go back to my cell now?" I ask. Dr. Ross seems to shake out of her trance, shaking her head. 

I get out the room, frantic to get to Kayla. I walk quickly, Dr. Ross behind me. I literally jump in my cell once I see Kayla laying on the floor. Dr. Ross waves as she walks away. Her body language however shows that she's not okay. 

I sit down, noticing that her back is turned from the entrance. I don't remember her body postioned that way. 

"Why were you gone?" Kayla's sudden question almost made me jump. 

"They wanted to ask some questions. I didn't want to leave you though." I put my hand on Kayla's shoulder. Her low growling was a sign to tell me to move my hand. 

"You weren't there when I needed you." She sounds like she's crying. 

"No, they forced me to leave. I wanted to stay believe me." I say frantically. Kayla didn't answer back. I put hand on her once again, getting the same result. "Please Kayla...." I plea. I put my hand on her once more. No growling.

She simply sits up, looking at me with her watery eyes. I hug her tightly, she doing the same. 

"It's going to be okay." I say quietly. Kayla releases from the hug, looking down. I use my finger to raise her head up. "I will never let anyone hurt you,okay?" I peck her lips softly, grining slightly. 

"Okay." Kayla whispers, kissing me fully this time. 

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