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•A Few Hours Later•

The first the I hear is silence...

The first thing I feel is cold metal...

I open my eyes, the first thing I see is darkness...

My vision began to come to, but there was barley any light. I looked around, seeing the walls behind me and beside me. There wasn't a wall in front of me. Only a bright light. My eyes weren't quite adjusted yet.

I walk closer to it, seeing what looked like a hallway, and in the other side of the hall...

...was Kayla

I run towards her, only to hit something and fall back. I look at the opening and notice there was a force field there the entire time. A sick joke.

I see Kayla on the other side. She had her leggings on and a oversize white-t. Did she not have a shirt? At least they were polite enough to put something on her.

She was sleeping on the cold floor, still unconscious from last night. It kills me knowing I'm the reason we're here.

I want to be by her so bad. I want to go over there and comfort her. This distance might be short, but this is torture. It's like I'm so close to her, yet so far...

I walk around, observing my surroundings once more. There has to be a way out...there has to...

"Hey!" The voice startles me. I turn around, seeing the same guy from earlier yesterday.

Forgetting the force field was there, speed at him, fangs out. I hit the invisible force, falling back again.

"Do you creatures ever learn?" He says, chuckling to himself. I stare at him, wanting to rip his head off.

"Those red eyes don't scare me," The man chuckles, " So, you're going to tell me what you know." I stand silent.

"Do you things not speak?" He spats.

"Yes," I says calmly but sternly,"but I'm not speaking to you." I say. He looks at, surprised as if his pet dog just spoke.

"Well, I guess she pays..." he says, looking back at Kayla.

"I swear if you hurt her-"

"You'll do what? You can't hurt me while in that cage."

I breathe heavily, suppressing my anger. He wants me to lose control, so I'll look like the animal he claims I am.

"Don't hurt her..." I say once more, "I'll tell you what you want to know." I say. Of course I'm not going to tell him everything. Hunter's barely know about us. They just think we're just beasts that have some form of communication.

"Great," he throws handcuffs at me. A one way force field? Smart. "put those on." He says. Well, I got to gain his trust somehow.

I slowly put the cuffs on, realizing how strong they really are. Once they were on, the man grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me through the force field. How did he...

"Come on, walk." He commands. Even though I'm in the cuffs, I could easily kill him and try to escape, but I see how my plan was lethal to me. I didn't even know where the exit was.

He led down the hallway, showing the numerous amounts of mystical creatures in these same cages. And they obviously didn't care about gender all that much. I think I just past two were-wolves mating...

But I see why they kept Kayla and I separate. We're both very intelligent creature plus it's the first time they ever seen a Vampire and a Were together. It didn't make since to them.

We walk to a door, opening it. It looked no different from an interrogation room in a police station. Don't ask how I know that.

"Sit" the man says. I calmly sit down, taking my time. Yes, I'm trying to gain his trust, but not kiss ass.

The man sits across from me, eyeballing me at all times.

"So, is the Weres and the Vampires teaming up or something?" He asks hastily.

"No, it's just me and her." I say, truthfully. If only that could happen though.

"Okay, why was the were-wolf chasing after you two then?" He asks. I notice he doesn't address him by his name anymore.

"He never wanted us together. So we ran from our clans. He found us and tried to kill me and her." I say. I know that I have to bland with my answers in order for him to not tell I'm lying.

"So, where are y'all from originally?" He asks. He's trying to find the clan. I hesitate, making seem like I don't want to betray my clan. "Are you going to speak?" He adds.

"Well I guess she won't live to see you..." he murmurs.

I don't know what came over me, but I almost break the handcuffs and try to aim for his neck. He quickly got up, pushing some button that caused me to lose control of...everything. I was paralyzed.

"So are you going to talk?" He states again. I strain to shake my head. He chuckles, letting go of the button.

I sit back down, slowly. I let my anger take over. Not again though.

"...Louisiana. I'm from Louisiana." I say. I'm mentally smirking cause I'm telling truth all of it.

"That's good. Is her pack from there too?" He asks.

"I don't know. She was always by herself. At first I thought she didn't have a clan." I say. That's actually true though. I had never seen a Were fight by itself before. I really thought she was by herself until I saw Natalie that same night.

"But then one of her pack members just happen to see you two?"

"Yes actually." I say.

He just sits there thinking. Probably thinking whether or not to kill Kayla and I.

I guess he didn't because he just got up and motioned me to get up and out the room.

When we got back to my cell, Kayla was still knocked out, in that same position. I walk in, take the handcuffs off, and throw them, hoping they'll hit the man's head. Unfortunately, he caught them.

But, when he finally left, I noticed Kayla shifting around, her head rising. She looked dead at me, with those purple eyes of hers.


I didn't know whether to panic because I'm here or be relieved that Rayan's alive.

He had one what looked like white t-shirt and white pants. It almost looked like a white jumpsuit. I notice that I'm wearing a large white t-shirt, but I still have my leggings.

I get up slowly, still woozy from last night. I began to walk to Rayan but he raises his hand, telling me to stop. I look confused as Rayan walks up. He reaches his hand out, and that's when I notice it. An invisible force field? The bastards...

"You okay?" I hear Rayan say. I shake my head in response.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask. Rayan shrugs, obviously unsure. I sigh.

"We'll get out of here...I promise." Rayan says. He looked so determined when he said it, but is it even possible? There's nothing but cameras and cages. I smile at his statement, in which he smiles as well.

Moments later, about five guards came out of no where. They actually went through the force field. A one way force field?

I scurried to the corner, however the roughly grabbed me. They had their guns pointed at me, so I decided not to attack them. And I really wanted too.

They put handcuffs on me an pull me up, almost dragging me out the cage. That's when I notice they were doing the same thing to Rayan as well. He seemed so calm, but I knew he wanted to rip their heads off as much as I wanted too.

An idea popped in my head, and I looked a Rayan. But, he shook his head, knowing I was up to something by my face. What is he planning?

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