•Craig's Story•

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•Craig's Story•

•February 4, 1622•
•Mozambique, Africa•

All the people in the village start to move once again. It's the third time. This isn't even a moving village.

The only reason we move is to protect ourselves. These, white men take our people. The men mostly. Young men the most.

I'm one of the few boys left in the village. These white men have took some of my friends. I just don't know what to do.

We can't fight them because they have weapons better than ours. They have slaughtered entire villages with these weapons.

While the village moves on to the next, I felt like someone was following us.

Usually I would think nothing of it, but because of the things that's been happening for a few days, I kept my guard up.

After a while I sit down. I'm so tired and hot, I can't walk no more.

I see the village moving on with out me. Come on can I at least get a break? We've been walking all day.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands at my neck.

I fight back, not succeeding. This man is too strong. In the corner of my eye, I see the man's skin. He a white man.

I bite down on his hand, then I hear screaming. He lets go. And that's when I started running. And I never ran so fast in my life.

But, where did everyone go? I swear there was a large group of people not too far from me. What just happened?

"They're gone." A voice says. I turn around, seeing the white man. He said that perfectly in my language. White men don't know our language.

"My friends, caught up with them. " he says again.

I just run again. He's lying, that's all.

But, it's not long till I see hoards of white men, pointing their weapons at my village. My family, my friends. All held captive.

The mysterious white man came out of no where, hissing at me with his longs sharp teeth.

Before I could react, those teeth sink into my neck. The pain...I can't even scream.

Out of no where, a villager that escaped the crusade of men, hit the dangerous white man with a stick.

The man drops me. I would of got up, but I couldn't move my body.

The last thing I see is one of the white man, shooting the free villager.


I wake up, noticing I'm still in the same spot where I fell out.

I frantically got up, hoping to find someone or something. I probably won't find anything since its dark. Bit it's funny cause, I can see really well in the dark. I never see well in the dark.

In the distance though, I see two white men, holding a torch for light.

I don't know what it is, but I quickly got hungry. But the hunger wasn't for food...

•Present Time•

"And I killed those men. Those were two of the men that's took my family away from me." I say. Kayla looks so shocked.

"Wow. I thought I had it bad." Kayla says.

"Yeah. And then I learned that the vampire was suppose to kill me." I say.

"How?" Kayla asks.

"Now that's a whole other story" I say, "It was..."


I walked the street with Ally. We was just talking about our life stories. Apparently, she had figured out I was a vampire when I first met her. She told she was a were but not what kind. Even thought I know what she is, I would like to hear it from her.

"And then my uncle bit me. So yeah, that's how I'm a were-fox. What about you?" Ally says.

"How I became a vampire?" I say.

"Yeah. I wanna know." Ally says.

"Okay," I sigh,"It was 1704..."

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