•Rayan's Story•

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•Rayan's Story•

•March 4, 1865•

I try to stay warm with the thin blanket I have. Even though it's march, it's still cold a bit. Winter almost gone though.

It's hard being me, ya know. Because of the white folk I was separated from my family at 7.

The white folk are evil. They treat us like cattle, not people. They abuse us, yelling "Dumass Niggers" and more bad things. We're slaves. I'm a slave.

Even though I'm mixed, I got black in me, so I'm a born slave. Never had a break a day in my life.

I miss my family sometimes. I don't even know where they are. I traveled so far from them, I don't even know if I'm in Louisiana.

They separated me from my folks, only because I'm a boy. I'm worth a lot of money.

Even though I'm separated, I've made some friends.

Ever since a came at this new place at 7, I've made some good friends. My best friend, Buddy, was my first friend. He helped me get new friends also.

Also, I met a girl, thanks to Buddy.

Being 16 now, I'm expected to marry the girl and have some kids. Mary is her name. I met her at 13. I don't wanna have kids though because they might be sold and sent away, like myself.

As I try to get some warmth from the thin blanket, I heard a noise from outside. It sounded like an animal, dying.

Everyone else in the cabin woke up also from the noise. It was mostly women and children in here. Mary's here.

Buddy also was in here. He got up and looked out the window.

"There a deer out there." Buddy whispered loudly.

Everyone looked kinda surprised. A deer? At night?

I got up and looked out the window also. It was a deer, alright. But it was dead. It was blood all over its neck.

"That could be food for us." A woman says, holding her child.

"Yeah, let's get it." Buddy says.

"What killed it?" I ask. Something killed that deer. And it wasn't a gun. Two holes was on the deer's neck. It almost looked like so something bit it.

"I don't know. We should see." Buddy says.

"But what if it's just master playing tricks?" I ask. He's done it before and the slave that fell for it was hurt badly. They threw rocks at him.

"I doubt. Just come on. Just grab a stick." Buddy says.

I sigh and went with it. I grabbed the stick and walked to the door.

Before I could go, I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I look back, to see Mary's worried face.

"Be safe okay?" She says.

"Imma be fine." I say, kissing her forehead.

I open the door slowly. I peep my head out first, looking for anyone else.

Me and Buddy walked out, me griping tightly to my sharp stick.

We quietly run up to the dead deer. I could see the holes in its neck from the light of the full moon.

"I think we should go." I say.

"Why?" Buddy asks.

"Cause, I remember my momma telling me about a demon, that comes out at night and drinks the blood of the people they prey on." I say.

"That's just a tall tale. You believe that?" Buddy asks.

"My momma neva told me lies." I say.

I heard a noise from behind us. We both look back an see a white man. I never saw him before.

But the difference in this white man is the blood on his mouth, and his eyes matching the color of the blood. It's the demon.

We got up fast and started to run back to the cabin. The demon was faster, and before I could think he already had Buddy by his neck.

I stabbed the demon with the stick. But he only chuckled, and took the stick out from his stomach. What in the...

The demon's sharp teeth popped out and he sunk them in Buddy's neck. He tried to scream, but he just couldn't.

"Buddy!" I yell. I knew he was dead before the demon was done with him.

I ran back inside, breathing heavily. I kept the door closed with my body.

"Rayan what's wrong?" Mary asks, "where's buddy?"

"H-He's de-"

Before I could finish my sentence, two hands broke through the door and grabbed me, talking me away.

He threw me on the ground. I saw the stick near me and I quickly grabbed it.

From the cabin, everyone one was looking out.

"Get back inside!" I yell. Most of them did, expect Mary.

I stood up and tightly gripped the stick.

The demon laughed at me in a deep scary voice.

Next think I know, his hand is on my neck, picking me up from the ground. He brought me closer to him, closer to his fangs.

He tilted my head, showing my neck. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...

I didn't see him bite me, but I felt it.

Nothing else in this world couldn't if hurt more. Not even the whip. The pain was terrible.

My sight started to get blurry, the last I see and hear is Mary screaming and crying....


I feel myself awake before I open my eyes. I try to move but I can't, it's like something is holding me down. I feel with my hand. It's dirt.

Oh my god, I'm buried alive.

Wait, how am I alive. Being buried under this dirt, I shouldn't be able to breathe. Wait...

I struggle put hand on my chest, where my heart is...I can't feel my heart beating. I'm not even breathing.

How? How in the world am I living? Am I living? Or am I dead? Just undead.

For 30 minutes, I fight myself out the dirt.

When I finally get out, I see the master's house, not too far....

•Present Time•

"And I end up killing the slave master....." I trail off.

"Wow. I didn't know you were a slave..." Kayla says.

"Yeah, I had a pretty rough life." I say.

"What about you Craig?" Kayla asks.

"Well," Craig says, "I was in Mozambique..."

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