Chapter 5

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I'm awake before Nevaeh and reach for my phone on her bedside table. Her head is tucked between my neck and shoulder, her hair fanned out across my arm and I snap a quick pic of the two of us. I set it as the wallpaper on my phone and make a mental note to have a picture printed later. I drag the blankets over our heads and roll her sleeping frame onto her back. Lying over her, I kiss the spot behind her ear, her neck and trail kisses to the base of her throat. She moans and stretches out beneath me making it really hard to concentrate on what I'm doing.

"I have to go," I kiss her lips still plump from sleep.

"Nooooo, please stay."

"As inviting as that is, I'd hate to get caught in your bed and get kicked out of the house," I chuckle getting out of bed.

"Are you driving with me or Micah today?" I ask before I leave.

"Well that depends on your behaviour Cruz." She responds.

"Oh we already know about my behaviour." I say jumping back onto the bed, straddling her and kissing her mercilessly all over.

"Ok I choose you, I'm driving with you." She laughs.

"Say it again," I soften my kisses now.

"I choose you." She whispers breathlessly.

Looking into the depths of her blue eyes I want what she's saying to not only be about the drive to school. Giving her one more kiss I'm off the bed, putting my clothes back on and climbing down from her balcony and heading straight into a cold shower.

"Good Morning Mrs Walsh," I greet in my sweetest tone, the one reserved for my mom whenever I did something, but they don't need to know that. Nevaeh has her back to me and I walk up to the kitchen counter standing right next to her. Putting my hand to the small of her back I greet her as well making sure my hand on her back can't be seen by anyone else. She looks up at me and I can see the smile in her eyes. I'm playing with fire doing this now. Dropping my hand I proceed to help myself to some cereal.

After last night walking into school hand in hand with Nevaeh doesn't have the same effect as it had before. No joint gasps and shameless staring. Apart from Kirsten and Cole, the only other person not too impressed with us is Tyler. Am I seriously going to have to fight every guy she's ever had a conversation with. What if I was just a regular guy, no super strength to back me up. But then again, I'd never have gotten the chance to meet her if I were just a regular guy.

Settling in my seat behind Nevaeh for first period, hands on her shoulders as usual, I get this strange feeling. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and my mind goes into overdrive with even my vision becoming sharper. I take deep breaths and try and calm my heartbeat and only once Nevaeh turns to look at me do I realise I'm squeezing her shoulder a bit too hard. This has never happened to me before. This must be what sensing danger is like.

"Is everything ok?" she whispers furiously, a worried look on her face.

I've been so focused on what's been happening to my body that only when the teacher introduces the new student I look up and see what my reaction is all about.

"Everyone this is Luca James, please make him feel at home." The class teacher continues.

All at once I know he is the danger I'm sensing. He looks like a regular seventeen year old guy, dark hair, same build as me, but I know he's not.

"Two hot new guys in one year and Micah Walsh single again, Anchor Bay sure is looking better. I think we've hit the trifecta." I hear one of the girls in class saying, causing everyone else to laugh.

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