Chapter 3

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It's Saturday and I'm glad the week is over. I've given Nevaeh some space this past few days but it's been difficult. And what's been even more difficult was trying to brush Kirsten off, the girl sure is adamant.

Tonight is also my first party in Anchor Bay. It's Adam's birthday and supposedly the rager of the year. The entire junior and senior population is going which means more of Kirsten.

Making my way into the house I spot Mrs Walsh and Nevaeh at the breakfast bar.

"Good morning ladies," giving my most dazzling smile. I've given Nevaeh enough space so I'm in full charm mode again.

"You're up early," Mrs Walsh responds.

"Yeah I'm off for a run, Neveah would you like to join me?" I ask in my most innocent tone.

"How about no. I don't run, and if you ever see me running be sure to join me because then I'm being chased." She states and I'm not sure whether she's joking or not.

Flipping on my hood, I go for my run.

Pulling into the drive at Adam's house we can hear the music and see the strobe lights, the party is in full swing already. I've nominated myself as designated driver so that I can escape the party whenever I choose, I'm not big on drinking either, I hate not having control over my actions. Micah will be sleeping over so I only need to give Nevaeh a ride back. Turning to the back seat I notice she's gone awfully quiet.

"Anytime you want to leave, find me and we can go, alright." I half state, half ask. Something is definitely up with her.

Walking into the house she disappears into the crowd of people almost immediately, leaving me with Micah and having to follow him into the kitchen where most of the drinking games are being played. After an hour of watching Micah try and catch up to the level his friends are on, I decide to go and find Nevaeh. Half of the lower level of the house has been turned into a dance floor and is totally packed. I don't see her and making my way to the back I spot her coming in through the French doors. She looks a bit distressed and I can't seem to get to her fast enough. Finally getting to her I put my hand to the small of her back and she whips around to face me so fast I have to tighten my hold to steady her.

Leading her to a corner off the dance floor I bend down to earnestly whisper into her ear, "What's wrong, are you all right? Are you hurt?" Putting my fingers under her chin I tip her face up, "Did someone hurt you?"

I haven't been to a party where any girls I know have been drugged and taken advantage of but I do know that it happens and it's something my friends and I am completely against. I was worried someone might have tried that with her.

", he's here," she stammers.

Looking up and searching the room with my eyes I'm expecting to find some hulky half werewolf half banshee but everything seems normal. I don't even sense anything. Looking down at her with enquiring eyes, "who's here?" I ask.

"Cole's here. And I don't know if I can deal with this right now." Seeming to sense my confusion, she continues.

"He's the asshole who ripped my heart right out of my chest, decided it wasn't broken enough and lit it on fire."

The quiver in her voice lets me know that this is not a girl being overly dramatic but that she's really hurt. This is why she said she was broken. I'm overwhelmed by the anger I feel welling up inside of me. I'm fuming. I'm sure Nevaeh can pick up on the murderous thoughts running through my mind.

"We're leaving," I say to her, needing to get out of here before I hurt someone.

"No we're not." She mutters. "I won't let him get to me. And you also need to calm down, he's not worth you getting upset," she tries talking me down.

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