Chapter 17

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A/N : Happy Dance... Happy Dance... Happy Dance... 400 Reads. Whoop whoop. Thank you so much, wow. This is a short one but I had to post in celebration of 400 READS. Please comment or vote, but mostly comment, I'd like to know what you all think.

Chapter 17

I'm awake at the crack of dawn and trying to get my arm out from underneath Nevaeh when she rolls over.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?"

I drop a kiss on her soft sleep swollen lips, "I need to get back before anyone realises I'm gone. I'll be back soon."

I climb down the bunk and I hear a soft voice calling me.

"Hey Cruz, this doesn't change anything. Still friends okay,"

"Yep, still friends."

Everyone's still sleeping when I get to the boys cabin, so I grab a shower, get out the nerf guns and bullets, drop one each on to Luca and Tyler's beds then make my way to the girls cabin dropping one each on Nevaeh and Stephanie's beds as well. Their beds are empty so they must be in the shower. I head to the kitchen, grab something quick to eat then proceed to hide outside of the girls cabin.

I see the two girls exit their cabin guns in hand with confused looks on their faces. They step closer to my hiding spot and I jump out raining soft bullets on them. They react immediately laughter ringing throughout the reserve. The boys come running out and Tyler immediately goes to the girls aid and Luca to mine as we move around them swiftly. We stop shooting and run into the wooded area to hide, our ammo running low.

I watch from behind a tree as Nevaeh stalks closer, I actually didn't expect her to be this quiet. Laughter and shouts in the distance distract her and I shoot out from behind the tree and grab her, pushing her against the trunk. Our bodies inches apart. She moves to punch me but I catch her fist in my hand, her other arm, holding the gun comes up as well and once again I stop it, both our guns dropping to the ground. She definitely gets points for effort as she tries to knee me but I'm one ahead of her and block the kick as well. The action bringing me even closer.

We are staring at each other and I'm sure she can read my mind when she whispers, "friends don't kiss each other."

"On the lips," I respond. I kiss the spot beneath her ear and her eyes close involuntarily. I drag my lips down her throat and to her neck leaving soft moist kisses in their wake. The second I release her hands they are in my hair pulling me closer. I graze my teeth along her collar bone and she arches in to me. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up when I hear her voice.

"I think some friends do kiss on the lips."

That is all I need to crash my lips to hers urgently. Her hands are greedily touching me everywhere they can reach and pulling my hair into every direction. My hands have a life of their own as they find their way to her waist, touching the skin exposed there as a result of her t-shirt riding up, my grip tightening the more into it I'm getting.

"NEVIJAH. Where are you guys?"

The voice calls not too far from us and Nevaeh shoves me off of her.

"And that's not happening again," her voice sounding way more strong that I feel. I bend to pick up our guns and we step out from behind the tree to nearly knock right into the three stooges who interrupted us.

"Nevijah Steph, really? You shipped us?" Nevaeh asks sounding a bit irritated.

"What can I say, I'm rooting for you guys. And by the look of your lips and Eli's hair I think I'm on the right track." Steph responds smugly

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