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Rena's POV

" Rena lovelies, will you make me the happiest teenager alive and be my girlfriend?"

Butterflies filled my stomach as I replayed the video.

Its been a year since the tour, and a year since Calum asked me to be his girlfriend.

It's really impossible to describe how it feels, to be crazy in love with someone.

Really no one was surprised when they found out we were together.

The only thing my mom said when I told her was "well it's about damn time."

A few months after the tour, Luke finally had the guts to ask Nia out, while Michael and Ashley are still together.

And Miranda asked Casey out, which was something I didn't expect. I guess their love for boxed Mac and cheese bonded them together. Miranda had been hiding her feelings for him since Casey joined the band, he  felt the same way and after a night of playing beer pong, Miranda drunkenly confessed her feelings.

But hey it all worked out.

"RENNAAAA GET OUT ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY!! " Calum pounded on the door of my apartment in a not-so-romantic way.

I grabbed my bag and opened the door,catching Calum mid-knocking.

"Hey beautiful." He flashed me that smile that made my heart melt, handing me a bouquet of flowers, a little envelope wedged in between the flowers.

I handed him a little jar that was filled with Polaroids we took over the year and numerous notes I wrote to Calum for him to read every morning.

"Hey Cal."

He took my hand in a gentle hold, and led me out the door.

"Dude where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"How cliché, later people will find me dead in a ditch." I grinned at him.

"Enough with your smart ass comments Rena." He warned me.

If you thought we were those lovey couples you thought wrong.

Really all I want is just to spend time with Calum,nothing fancy,  with our busy schedules, the only way we're able to communicate is through our phones.

And the daily insults we throw back and forth on twitter.

Calum thought the same way, because he just took me to the diner that we always go to before 5SOS's SLFL tour.

It was a normal diner, but had abit of a 60's twist to it with it's juke box and interior designs.

We sat down and just ordered the usual.

"Heey my favourite couple I haven't seen you guys for so long!" A voice sounded which belonged to Kevin, a waiter that we became friends with during our frequent visits.

"Yeahhh Kevin bring it in!!" I fistbumbed and brought him in for a hug.

"Pfft what am I? Chopped liver?" Calum chimmed in and joined the hug.

After the mini reunion, Kevin got us the usual and we started digging into the food. We talked about the most random things and that's how we bond and know more about each other every day.

It suddenly reminded me of back when we went to the pizza place during the ROWYSO tour, when the I hated Calum for the dumbest of reasons and refused to let him near me. Now we're here, not even an inch of space between us, his fingers drumming on my thigh.

Finally, dessert arrived and Kevin gave me a suggestive wink my way. Confused at his actions, I took a look at the cake Calum ordered and on the plate written was :'Come with me to Paris?'

Calum gave me another one of those cheeky smiles, knowing how much i've always wanted to go there.

"YOU FUCKING DIDN'T! !" I shouted.

"Oh yes I did. We'll be going there in December and your parents already said yes to bringing you there so no worries."

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU!!" I put my hands around  his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss, pulling away to look at his beautiful face.

"That's the first time you said I love you" his astonished face says it all.

"That's because I do. And I always will." Calum pulled me in again and those familiar soft lips met mine, smiling through the kiss, and wondering how I ever got this lucky.


GOODNESS in the few months I've been gone 5SOS has grown so much and i'm so proud at how much they accomplished in this small amount of time.

Although relum didn't actually happen i'm glad they're friends but hey for any thirsty relum shippers out there you should read this book.

Also some shameless self promo you guys should also read my other book because why not

Thank you guys for all those sweet comments and votes and for supporting me till the end though it's not a very popular book but those votes means a lot SO thank u and bless your souls: )

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