chapter 13: Stupid. Charming. Bassist.

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"Miss lovelis what do you think you're doing?" I slowly looked up to see Calum, his arms folded with an unamused expression

Oh boy.

It's not everyday you catch a girl in your hotel room after performing a show looking through your personal things.

That sounded wrong.

I gave him a nervous laugh, stumbling to put the books back.

"OH is this the boy's hotel room? my bad, guess I didn't wear my contact lens today"

"That has to be the lamest excuse in the history of excuses."

"Excuse you for my excuses."

"You're excusing me for excusing you what about you excusing me?"

"Where is this conversation going to?"

"I don't know. And you still haven't answered my questions missy."

I now had two choices, tell my sister's crush's best friend the truth, or have him think I'm a creepy stalker that goes through his things.

"It's a.....looong story."

"So Nia sent you here to see if Luke likes her back?"

"Pretty much."

"But why were you looking through my things?"

"A ninja always does a complete and thorough job."

"Like I couldn't hear you down the hallway." Calum snorted, sticking out his tongue.

"How mature,especially for a boy who wrote a poem about a turtle that blew up." I took out the piece of paper, dramatically clearing my throat about the read the poem out loud.

Within a millisecond, it was snatched away from my hand.

"HEY!! No fair give it back!!"

Calum stretched his arms,taking advantage of his height. I stood on my tippytoes trying to take the paper away from his hands.

"Not so ninja now are you?" Calum playfully teased, breaking out into a series of laughter.

"Damn....your..... freakishly long legs." I panted out, already out of breath from all the jumping, and collapsed on the ground in the most unglamorous way possible.

I need to start working out .

"Come on get up you old lady."

Oh I'm so going to kick your ass.

I got back up on my legs , giving him a swift kick in the shin.

Not his ass but close enough.

"Who's the old lady now?" I smirked as calum grumbled under his breath, giving me a death glare as he crouched over in pain.

"You that's who." Without letting me respond, he grabbed me and hauled me over his shoulders, walking out the door.

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD PUT ME DOWN!!" I pounded my fists on his back but to no avail.

Me flailing like a mad woman on an insanely tanned handsome man's shoulders caused quite a few heads to turn. He walked out the hotel door before finally putting me down.

"Why did you do that?!!"

"Just to shut you up from your constant whining." He gave me a small shrug.

"Come on I want to show you something now that we're out."

He interlaced his fingers with mine as we walked along the empty streets. It was a little past midnight and the people that lingered around the streets were either drunk or about to collapse from thier drunken state.

The dimly lit streets led into a vintage looking bridge. I gasped inwardly at the simple yet sophisticated structure. The crystal clear water under the bridge reflected the beautiful dark sky as little fishes swam freely.

"My family used to take me to the U.S for the holidays. My mom brought me to this very bridge and told me a story behind this place." Calum began.

"Tell me." I said,barely below a whisper.

"There were two lovers that were seperated by the space time continuim. So the stars formed a bridge high up for the lovers to meet." Calum pointed up to the sky as I was met with a beautiful sight, the stars in the night sky were so aligned, forming a bridge-shaped as they continued to twinkle brightly.

"- but the space time continuim broke and the the stars fell, forming this bridge."

Since when did Calum have a romantic bone in his body? Stupid. Charming. Bassist.

"You think I'm charming?" Calum asked.

Trust me to accidentally say my thoughts out loud.

"I..I said candy not charming, get your ears checked."

"Yeah sure whatever you say." He said, that familiar smirk back on his face.

We stared at the constellations in silence, our synchronized heartbeats was the only thing that could be heard.



I know i suck at the lovers story bear with meh guys.


Okok i needa chill.

I hope u guys like this chapter and we reached 500 reads wooo let's make it 1k guys WE CAN DO THIS!!!

I'll be explaining the whole story in the next chapter as some of you guys that are not in the fandom don't know what the hecks going on.

Please vote and comment and may 5sos bless you:)

Song recommendation: hold me down by halsey ( omg woman crush i love her)

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