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"Bri... Bri...Bri!" Brooklyn yelled trying to get my attention.

"What?" I said turning my head to look at her.

"I asked you do you want your spaghetti three times already," Brooklyn frowned looking me upside my head.

"Oh, no. You can have it." I told her.

As she reached for my tray, she kept glaring at me as if she had something to say.

"What!?" I asked annoyed.

"You were staring...again." She sighed.

"No I wasn't!" I argued. Brooklyn sighed and rolled her eyes. I could deny it all I wanted, but if no one else knew me, she did.
Brooklyn Santana and I have been best friends since our freshman year here at Chicago State University being roommates. Brooklyn came here on a academic scholarship (just like me) from Oakland, California. She is of Puerto Rican and African American descent, 5'6" in stature, curly dark brown hair that's mid-back length, chestnut eyes and an olive skin tone. Brooklyn is one of the kindest people I know, but don't get it confused, she had no problem with getting any one in their place. At times, she could be real slick by the mouth.

"Yes, you were. You were looking at Deshawn. I saw you, I'm not slow." She argued back.

I shook my head, "Whatever."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes," Anyways, here comes Rakeem." I looked over my shoulder to see Rakeem walking towards us with his lunch tray and book bag. Rakeem was our other best friend. Rakeem and I had known each other since the 6th grade, but didn't become close until 10th grade. I introduced him to Brooklyn when I met her and now we all are unbreakable. Rakeem towered over the both of us because he was  6'3, caramel complexion, green eyes, skinny yet fit, and kept his nappy curled hair around half an inch in height. Rakeem Fulton was the best guy friend money could buy because from a guy's POV, he always told us the truth, No matter how we felt about it either.

"Wassup with it?" He asked taking a seat at the table next to Brooklyn.

"I don't know ask Brianne. She's the one with a little crush." Brooklyn shaded eating a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Ahh, you talking bout D?" Rakeem laughed.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked becoming concerned. If they could tell just imagine how many others could.

"Wait so you are admitting you like him?" Brooklyn asked, eyebrow raised.

"I could totally hook you up, sis. I mean we talk all the time at basketball practice." Rakeem added.

"Don't." I warned, "If he's interested he'd let me know. But he's not so...just let a girl dream." Both Brooklyn and Rakeem looked at each other then looked at me. I had gotten used to getting the 'look' from them so I ignored it as usual. Especially when it came to Deshawn, or my love life period. Deshawn Harris was that nigga at school and there was many reasons why. 1) He was one if the finest guys you'd ever meet 2) he was smart in a none nerdy way 3) he was one of the flyest boys on the campus 4) he's the captain of the basketball team and led them to victory in the state championship every year he'd been here at CSU 5) everyone put their top dollar on him being successful after college because of how intelligent he was and his level of skill he showed on and off the court. Before our senior year, he was already getting recruited for the NBA. All the guys wanted to be him and all of the girls wanted to be with him. Which is exactly why I doubt that I have a shot with someone like that.

And to put a cherry on top, he was handsome as hell. His deep chocolate skin tone paired with chocolate eyes, full lips, mole under his eye, muscular toned and tattooed ink body, 6 foot height, and dark brown hair that he kept clean cut, wasn't hard to notice. But for someone like him, I was hard to notice. For starts, I'm short as hell (5'1"), my brown hair went a few inches over my shoulder, my skin color was a nice brown just like my eyes. I was thick yet I still had physical flaws. But doesn't everyone? Everyone except for Deshawn Harris.

"Well...while you sit there in denial," Rakeem said breaking the silence," I wanted to know if any of you would want to participate in the Ladies Auction my frat is doing Saturday evening. The crowd is supposed to be huge and I have two more slots that need filling for the line up."

"Ladies Auction...?" Brooklyn asked with her Spanish accent.

Rakeem nodded, " Girls sign up to participate to score dates with guys who are betting cash to go out with them. It's like a car auction, except with some bad ahh girls...and yo boy gone be the MC." Rakeem flashed a smile at the thought.

"Sounds cool to me. Count me in," Brooklyn answered with excitement.

"Cool. So what about you Brianne? You up for it?"

"Nah," I shook my head," I'd hate to end up with a guy I don't like or that is a total duche bag so I'll pass, but I'll be there for support."

"Aww Bri come on it'll be fun" Brooklyn begged.

"That's why you can do it. I mean what if people don't even bet on me or better yet what if they do and they are people I'd never ever be seen with? The possibilities of disappointment are endless, Brook." I retorted putting an end to that conversation. Brooklyn crossed her arms and poked out her bottom lip as if that was gone make me change my mind.

"Well, I'll find somebody else to do it, it's cool," Rakeem sighed. I let out a small smile as I patted the top of his hand. "I guess it means nothing to you that D is gone be there either, huh?" He added. I tried my best to not show my emotion on my face. Of course it meant something! He was going to be paying money to go out with one of the girls. Not like I could do anything about it anyways because he was not mine...unfortunately. I shook my head no. "It means absolutely nothing." I lied.

"Hmm, so him coming over here means nothing, too right?" Brooklyn laughed.

"What..." I turned around to see him waking to our round table with his backpack slung over his shoulder looking just as fine as always in his Nike grey jumpsuit with matching grey and white Nikes. I quickly turned back around when our eyes met. I feared he saw me looking a little too hard at his sweatpants in a certain area.

"How do I look?" I asked asked Brooklyn frantically, combing at my hair with my fingers.

"Like Brianne," she answered smartly. I growled at her. I wasn't here for the sarcasm today.

"You straight ma," Rakeem pitched in. I nodded,"Thanks."
"Yo Downtown D," Rakeem laughed giving Deshawn a handshake once he reached the table.

"Wassup with it Keem, hey ladies," Deshawn greeted. As he did so he sat next to me. I'm not going to even lie, butterflies began to fly around in my stomach. I don't think we have ever been this close.

"Hola," Brooklyn replied. Deshawn looked down at me wondering if I was gone to greet him back. And I really was going to but the words I wanted to say wouldn't cooperate with my tongue and lips so I just sat there. Looking lost.
"Umm... So anyways man I was going to tell you that if you need another girl to be in the auction, Anja said she's down with it."
"Oh word? Thanks D. Lemme go talk to her bout it then." Rakeem picked up his half empty tray and stood up," I'll see y'all on the flip side." He said saluting us. Brooklyn and I both threw up the peace sign. Deshawn got up as Keem began to walk away. "See you guys later in Mr. Lyles class." Deshawn said as he left too.
I didn't even think he knew we were in Mr. Lyles Poetic Arts class with him. Maybe he paid more attention than I thought.

"Got damn that boy is so hot," Brooklyn commented. I flashed her a look. "Too bad he's all yours," she giggled. "Aki-ki-ki," I mocked rolling my eyes.
"Oh come on Bri lighten up. I'm just messing round with ya girl."
"I know, I know. I was just thinking that what if he buys you in the auction."
"Now let's be realistic, ok? He would never and even if he did I would never cross that line cause I know how you feel. Trust, you ain't got nothing to worry bout. Especially if that white nerdy guy from my Human A&P class is there, he's gone buy me quicker than a drug dealer running from 5." Brooklyn said making us both laugh really hard.
"Come on, Amiga. Let's go." She smiled taking me by the arm and escorting me out the cafeteria.

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