* Consideration *

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         • Brianne's POV •

"Are you traveling to Denver too?" An old lady asked tapping on my shoulder as I sat in the airport waiting for Deshawn's plane to land. "No I'm waiting for someone," I informed her nicely.
"Oh, that sounds nice," she smiled at me. I just nodded. I looked out the floor to ceiling windows in the airport to see that a plane was rolling in. "Ladies and gentleman traveling on the flight to Denver...please line up according to your ticket numbers because the plane had just arrived," the attendant notified.
"Have a nice day," the lady wished me. "You too."
A few minutes later the plane was unboarding all the passengers. First came out the disabled and people wit children. Next came the elderly then everyone else. I stood near the exit waiting for Deshawn to come off. He had asked me to come and pick him up the previous night.
"Bri," someone called my name. I turned around to see him standing right behind me. How did I not notice that? I wondered to myself.
"Deshawn!" I smiled throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me back around my waist.
"I missed you," I admitted.
"I missed you too. How you been?"
"I'm straight. Better now."
Deshawn smiled and pinched my cheek,"I had fun but it would've been better if you were around."
"Aww," I whined.
"Come on let's get out here. I'm ready to go home man," he sighed keeping one of his arms around my neck as we took the escalator down to the bag return.

        • Deshawn's POV •

"This is what I'm talking bout," I said stretching along the couch for the first time in two days.
"Tell me how was the trip?" Bri asked coming out of the bathroom.
"It was great. I got to meet with one of the owners, the coach and a few players. Got to go sight seeing and shit," I replied as the scenes from the club played back in my mind. But they weren't worth mentioning.
"Who'd you meet?" Bri asked sitting beside me.
"Ya know Draymond Green, Clay Thompson, and uh...Steph Curry," I said as if it were nothing. Bri's eyes got big at the mention of Steph's name.
"You met Chef Curry?!"
"Yeah, he's cool," I laughed.
"That's bae right..." She began but stopped when she noticed me giving her a dirty look.
"I thought I was bae?" I frowned.
Bri nodded," you are...but Drake comes first."
"Yeah he so...Mmhhh," she said biting her lip. I was slick getting jealous even though I knew her chances with him were as slim as me getting with Nicki Minaj.
I rolled my eyes at her," He ain't me though."
She patted me on my head," No he's lightskin."
"Haha very funny." Bri smiled at me showing all her teeth.
"Oh while you were gone I got your mail," she mentioned while she reached in her purse.
"Thank you," I answered keeping my eyes on her. I missed her, and the last moment we shared before I left was sexual so my thoughts right about now were not the purest.
As she handed me over an inch tall stack worth of mail I leaned over and kissed her. She didn't resist nor contribute to the affection. When she pulled away she just smiled at me," Not so fast. I want you to open this." Bri pointed to the big yellow envelope in the stack of mail. I raise my eyebrows," What is it?"
She shrugged," I don't know that's your mail. I just know it's from the National Basketball Association."
I quickly began to tear into it.
"Eager aren't we," Bri laughed at me.
"This is the letter...," I murmured.
"What letter?"
"Letting me know if I'm going to be eligible to participate in this years draft," I explained.
"Open it," Bri gasped.
"What if I don't get it?" I asked with a sense of fear. Parts of my future was riding on this. I knew I could for sure help my mom and sis out if I got this. Taj even told me that he's counting on me to make it. This letter will tell me if I'm going to make it.
"You will," Bri said rubbing me on my back.
"You read it," I said handing it over to her.
I nodded,"Yeah please."
"Ok...," she sighed," it says...
We have received your letter on April 23, 2016 expressing your desire to enter the NBA Draft scheduled to take place June 23, 2016. According to the information contained in your letter, you, Deshawn Michael Harris Jr., are automatically eligible to enter the 2016 NBA Draft. We hope to see you soon and wish you the best of luck."

I buried my face in my hands. I was so happy I was dam near calm. Bri began to jump all over me screaming 'congratulations!'
"How does it feel? To be getting the chant to go pro and all!?" She asked shaking me by my shoulders.
"Surreal. For the first time in my life everything is actually going good for me," I poured out," I got the championships coming up in 2 weeks, graduation, now I have the draft to look forward to and I got you right beside me."
I have her a squeeze on her leg as she planted several kisses on my cheek. "Can't wait till after graduation and we can build on me and you. See where this shit goes," I admitted with a laugh. "Yeah," Bri agreed but her whole mood began to slowly change after I said that.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she lied and I could tell.
"Bri, tell me," I urged.
"I don't necessarily know if I'm going to stick around here after graduation Deshawn. It wasn't my initial plans," she explained looking down at her feet.
"But...that was before me and...us," I reminded.
"It was," Bri nodded in agreement," but I can't honestly give up my future."
"You could be a nurse here. Hell people round here need a nurse everyday," I told her. "But this isn't my home. It's yours," Bri frowned looking at me now.
"Make it yours."
"It's easier said than done."
"You can't possibly be thinking about leaving Chicago?"
"I'm not like you. I just can't ride to the other side of town to see my mom. I have to go on a long ass plane ride that I can't afford as it," Bri scolded.
"You can always visit once you get your money up. I can help out."
Bri shook her head," That's not the point. I never planned on staying here to begin with."
"That's before you had a reason to stay," I argued. I was getting frustrated with her. After I tell her I have plans for this relationship and getting the best news of my life she comes and shoots all my hopes down. Maybe T-Rock was right. I shouldn't have involved my feelings in this cause now I'm feeling some type of way.
"I'll be looking stupid if it doesn't work out," Bri protested.
"You'll look stupid if you don't stay to see if it will or what could have been." I said trying to convince her.
Brianne glared at me," Don't. Don't try to make me seem like the bad guy here."
"Oh yeah right because I'm the bad one," I scoffed.
"Yes! You are because you're being very inconsiderate right now of my feelings."
"And you're being inconsiderate about mine so why the fuck should I take yours in to consideration!? You already knew you weren't going to stick around so why not tell me that?" I argued.
"If I would've never got involved with you I wouldn't have to worry about having this conversation."
"Me neither I could be doing me like I always do."
"You know what fuck you!" Bri said getting teary eyed as she got her belongings together.
"You too," I sighed.
"I can't believe you right now," she said shaking her head," the audacity...the decision isn't even final yet."
"The way you speaking makes me question that. You talking as if you gone take off and never look back. Seems as if I give more fucks about this relationship than you do!"
"I do care! I always cared! I was head over heels for you before you even noticed I existed,"Bri said punching me in the arm.
"Let's not do no hitting," I grunted,"just get out."
"Wow, that's how it is?"
I nodded,"I need time to myself. I don't need this shit. I'm supposed to be celebrating right now, but leave it to you to rain on my parade."
"Since you feel that way...you don't have to worry about me anymore. Or my decision." Bri said storming out.
Part of me wanted her to come back and we could talk it out but the greater part of me was saying 'fuck her'. I just can't believe she was really thinking about leaving and leaving what we had out to die because Brianne was basically the first girl I really ever cared for and for her to give up already felt like a stab in the back. But we would be right back tomorrow. That was the usual for me in relationships.

Brianne and I will be all made up tomorrow and I will be able to convince her to stay.

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