* First of Many *

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          •Deshawn's POV•

Text to: Brianne
Time: 7:38 p.m.
Message: Hey this is D

Text from: Brianne
Time: 7:42 p.m.
Message: Hey

Text to: Brianne
Time: 7:45 p.m.
Message: I was wondering r u available tomorrow evening 4 our date...?

Text from: Brianne
Time:7:51 p.m.
Message: uh sure that sounds good 2 me wat time?

Text to: Brianne
Time:8:00 p.m.
Message: @ 8 I'll pick u up from ur dorm if that's cool?

Text from: Brianne
Time: 8:05 p.m.
Message: yea that's fine

Text to: Brianne
Time: 8:11 p.m.
Message: ok

I sat in bed trying to imagine how the date will go down tomorrow. I just hoped it wouldn't be boring and full of silence. I hate silence cause it forces me to think. When I think too much I end up driving myself up a wall. Brianne was shy, I could tell. She would've never talked to me that day in Mr. Lyles class if I hadn't said anything first. Maybe just maybe she acts differently outside of school.
I decided to take her to a nice dining restaurant downtown that way we would be able to have a one on one with each other. Although I wasn't planning on getting too personal anyways. I really had no clue what I expected from this date. I still tried to figure out my better reasoning for purchasing her at the auction? A cute face and big butt wasn't going to cut it if she asked, even if that was my reasoning behind my decision. I figured I'd just say I wanted to get to know her better. That was something that wasn't a complete lie because I actually did. I wonder does she feel the same way about me. Did she even like me anyways? Well I'd be finding out sooner than later.


•Brianne's POV•

Brooklyn hovered over my shoulder when I had gotten the text from Deshawn. She made sure to instruct me in what to and not to say so I wouldn't sound so 'thirsty'. And she made it clear that there was to be NO emoji using because it was 'overly flirtatious'. Brooklyn was a really good friend but I wish she would stop thinking I'm so hopeless sometimes. I mean I know how to talk to a boy for Petes sake.

"Omg what are you going to wear?" Brooklyn asked excitedly. I shrugged, "I dunno." "What about a dress?" "Eww no," I shook my head in disgust. I'm not a dressy person. I only wore dresses when it was needed or I absolutely had to. Not just for the hell of it. Brooklyn frowned,"Que me estas dando un dolor de cabeza." I rolled my eyes. I had been around her enough to pick up on her Spanish so I knew her saying 'you're giving me a headache' phrase pretty well by now. "I'm going to dress casual. He didn't say a thing about getting fancy." "But you like him and one way to get him to like u too is to wear something extravagant Bri." Brooklyn informed me. "I do like him but if the clothes I wear is the only thing that makes him want to spend time with me...well then I don't want his time. I want him to like me for me." Brooklyn sighed but nodded because she and I both knew that was what was important. "Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go take a nice long hot shower." I said waving at her as I left the bedroom and down the small hall to the bathroom.

As I bathed I thought to myself about the date. What should I say to him? I realized that me and him have never really held an actual conversation that dealt with getting to know each other. It made me wonder about how I had a crush on someone I barely knew on the inside. I was just fascinated by the physical that I didn't consider having the opportunity to really get to know him, know him. And I realized I wasn't the only one that only looked at him for the outside. I don't think anyone, not even Ashleigh, knew the real Deshawn. He never talked too much about his family, his future (unless it was basketball), and anything else most people talk about on a regular basis. It was as if everyone knew of him but not him.
I wonder did he even actually like me in some type of way. Or was he just pitying me because my auctioning started off on a bad note. If that was the case I didn't need his pity or anyone else's. You're jumping to conclusions. I reminded myself. Just let it be what it is and ask what you want to know tomorrow. Tomorrow.

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