I have feelings for you I hate it!

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Penelope's POV
Jaime and I went to the house so I can get clothes and so we can shower. It was almost 5:00 am and I wasn't in the best mood. I connected my speakers to my phone and started playing the guys performances. As I was washing my hair a song came on... I just slipped down the wall and cried. It was Alan's song. I cried and cried. He doesn't deserve what is happening to him. I say on the floor, letting the water run down my body. I couldn't move, and I didn't want to move.


Jaime: Penelope? Are you okay? ......
No answer
Jaime: Penelope? It's Jaime.... Are you okay? Please talk to me.
Again no answer
Jaime: Penelope I'm coming in!

Jaime ran downstairs to get something to open the door but he never found anything. He ran back upstairs and kicked the door open. He finally got in and saw Penelope laying in the floor, with her hand full of blood. He turned the running water off and wrapped a towel around her and carried Penelope to Johann's room.
Jaime then graved some of Johann's clothes and changed Penelope. He wrapped a bandage around her hand and put some ice on it. He new what she had done was because of Alan. Her and Alan had and still have a special connection.

Jaime: Johann, Penelope passed out in the shower. She cut her hand and I didn't even know.
Johann: Jaime is she okay!!
Jaime: Yes she's perfectly fine. I got her out and changed her and rapped her hand in a bandage and put some ice on it.
Johann: Jaime thank you so much man. I owe you one! Just stay there, when she wakes up just comfort her. Don't come to the hospital, I'll call you if anything changes okay?
Jaime: Your welcome, I know you'd do the same for me. And okay call me if anything happens please!

Jaime and Johann soon hung up and Jaime just looked at Penelope. He wondered why.. Why did she have to do this. I get how she feels, I am so worried about Alan, he's my brother and if anything ends up happening to him I don't know what I'm going to do. But that doesn't mean we have to go and try ending our life. 😪 I just don't get her.

*3 hours later*

Penelope finally ended up waking up. She was really confused on what had happened to her.

Penelope: Jaime.. I'm scared I don't remember what happened
Jaime: it's okay, you don't need to remember. I'm just glad that your okay.
Penelope: Thank you Jaime.. Literally thank you for saving me!

Penelope rested her head on Jaime. At that point he was so happy. But he was gaining every second feelings for Penelope.
Jaime was going to do something he wanted to do when she was sleeping.. But Johann came to mind every time he thought about it. He wanted to kiss Penelope, but he didn't.
He just stared at her dead in the eyes.

Jaime then got up and she just looked at him with a weird face. He got closer and closer and closer until he crashed his lips on hers...

*Authors note*
Hi guys!! What do you think Penelope is going to do? Do you think she's going to pull away or just let him kiss her????

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