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    3 weeks
   I walked into Grayson and Ethan's apartment. I looked around. It was way to quiet. I put my stuff down and walked around. "There up to something" I said to myself. I felt arms around my waist. I turned around. "Hey babe" Ethan said. "I know your Ethan where's Grayson?" I said.
    "Told you she knew" Ethan said. Grayson walked towards me. "There's my twin" I said. He smiled and put his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. I put my arms around his neck. We started to kiss and then we heard Ethan talking. "And here's the couple" I turned to see the camera on.
    "Oh come on" I said covering the lens. I turned it off. "That's SO going on the next vid" Ethan said. "Whatever" I said. I put the camera on the table and got back to kissing Grayson. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We both pulled away and sat on the couch.
    I looked at him and frowned. "I can't believe your going off to New Jersey for 3 months" I said. "I know" he said frowning too. I pecked his lips and turned on the tv. "Uh let's watch that one" Grayson said pointing to the one that looked super scary. "You know I can't watch scary movies" I said.
     "Oh come on please" he said. "No cuz then I can't sleep at all" I said. "You can spend the night here" he said. "Your leaving in less than 6 hours" I said. "Right" he said. "Let's watch something else then" he said. I smiled and kept looking.
4 Hours Later.....
   "Ok we've got everything right?" Ethan said. "Yeah I think so" Grayson said. "I feel like we're missing something" Ethan said. "Here" I said handing him the passports and plane tickets. "Oh, that's it" Ethan said taking them from me. "You're welcome" I said.
   He stuck his tongue out at me and I did it back at him. "Ok ok no time for playing we gotta go"  Grayson said. "You're right let's go" Ethan said. We all walked downstairs an to the parking garage. We got in Grayson's car and drove to the airport.
    We all got down. They got their luggage and closed the trunk. I felt tears rolling down my face. I wiped them away as quick as I could. Grayson wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back. I started to cry. "It's ok" he said rubbing my back.
    I took a deep breath and we both let go. We kissed again. And then we pulled away, we hugged one last time and then he grabbed his stuff and walked to the airport entrance. I took a deep breath and got in the car. He waved goodbye and I waved goodbye to him then drove off.
    I wanted to cry my eyeballs out but I couldn't, not right now.

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