Chapter 16: Not truly dating.

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*Ava pov, 2 weeks later*
Jc and I have gotten closer while it feels like Kian always goes his way. It hurts to know the guy I fell in love with doesn't love me back. "Jcccc cooonmmmeee onn" I begged as I pulled Jc in the water. "Ok ok" he picked me up with his arm around my waist. He threw me in with him! "Jccc itsss s-so c-c-cold!" I shivered. Jc walked over with a towel and wrapped me in it. I looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed me. It was a sweet but very pretty kiss, nothing like Kian and I's. Kians kiss had sparks and always felt new every time. Jc kiss didn't feel so happy it felt used to.
*jc pov*
I kissed her, it felt amazing. Something I have never felt before. She pulled away lightly and chuckled. I love her laugh. "Ready to go?" I smiled. She shook her head and I put my arm around her, she shook. I didn't think much of it.
*kian pov*
My Twitter dinged as I looked at. It was a picture of Jc and Ava at the beach.... KISSING! I never though she would date my best friend. How could she! I know I fucked up but how could she do that. I heard the door opened as they walked in. Tears still in my eyes I watched her, "Kian?" She spoke. "Ava. Can I talk. To you" my voice broke. She walked up to my room and say on the bed. "Kian I-" she started. "Don't. I saw you and Jc kissing in the beach." I spoke staring at the computer. "Kian! OMG who got that photo. It was-" Ava was now almost crying. "Ava just go please." I watched her walk out of my life.
Hey kittens! Ohhh I have so many ideas flooding my head! Get ready cuz (Kevin hart voice) it's about to go down! Anyways the contest is still going on so don't forget to comment! Anyway enjoy this chapter,
Love, Cheyenne!

The story of us! (An o2l and Kian lawley fan-fic). *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now