Note 3-The friend request😛

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Dylan's Dad on the side-Robert Downey Jr..:*

Ava's pov-

So here it goes. After stalking him for I don't know, probably 5 - 10 hours on Facebook, I decided it was time. My heart was beating loudly in my chest as I finally found his profile. At this point, my heart was going crazy. Just by looking at his pictures I felt butterflies in my tummy... oomph... I am definitely behaving like a stalker. Oops sorry. I'm a stalker... :p... I'm basically hunting him on the social media.

I'm really getting addicted to this guy. He's just too, uh, I can't explain it. After I had looked over all of his pictures for more than 20 times and completely confirmed the fact that he was not in a relationship and absolutely single, I danced with joy. I felt as if I were in heaven and then I finally sent him a friend request. Yay, finally I'm going to communicate with the guy of my dreams... :)

5 hours Later-

I logged into my account, and guess what? He accepted it.

Oh my god!!!!! He accepted my friend request. Yay!!!!!!!! And there was a message too. He messaged me, waah. God, my behavior is becoming like some fan girl, too cliche.

But I can't help, after all, it's him, Dylan Vanderbilt.

The message was: "I think I know you. R u from The Elite (Elite High is the name of our school)"

This clearly means he has noticed me before in class and I couldn't be happier.

Ummm... umm... I noticed something. His profile picture, he was with someone familiar. I know that man. Oh freaking lord, that's Chris Vanderbilt, my father's client, and close friend. He even has a royal background, I think.

Vanderbilt... oh... Dylan is his son. Wow, if I had known this before, it would not have been this difficult to know more about him. I could have just asked Dad, well never mind! At least I finally found him.

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