Eleplant riding and Our moment🐘💏

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Some very cute baby elephant clips..they r so adorable🐘😍.

Ava's pov-

The zoo was so beautiful.I mean..yeah!!our Central Park's zoo is also nice but this one was not like some random zoo.It was more child friendly and the weather is exquisite in here.

Zoe was giggling and laughing continuously.My munchkins were running around everywhere and Dylan had to take a mad rush after them so they would not get lost.

"So,you like it?"He asked me.

"It's beautiful.See!! she's giggling non-stop.Awww!what would I give to see that smile all the time.I just love her so much."

I said pointing at Zoe who was looking around everywhere like any curious baby.

"I know.Thank you darling.She never had a mother figure.I mean yeah,mom and dad do spoil her to bits and I try to make up for that missing relationship in her life but nothing can replace a mother's love.I love seeing you and her together."

"She is my daughter too Dylan.I don't know why but I felt the same connection with her when I saw her for the first time just like I had felt when the doctor placed the twins in my arms when they were born.I don't know.I just love her so much."

"You are incredible.You are a very good mother to our children."
He said and gave me a small but lingering kiss.

"You too. You are a great father.The twins love you.You are so good with them.You are incredible with Zoe too.I am sorry I kept the twins away from you.The guilt is killing me."

"Ava,that was not your fault.You thought what you saw.Your decision was made upon a string of lies that destroyed you and me but that doesn't matter anymore.I love you and we are together.We are a family and we are going to see what comes upon us together now.The past is over."

"You're right."
I smiled and gave him a peck.

"Mommy,Daddy look there's a elphalant."Jase pointed towards the elephant.

"It's elephalant silly!mommy told us so many times."Jerry scolded Jase.

Me and Dylan just laughed.

"My little monkeys.Boys,it's niether elphalant nor elephalant.It's called an elephant."Dylan corrected them.

" Alright Daddy,eleplant it is."They said in unison and strolled in front of us.

We just shook our heads and smiled at each other.

"They'll get it in the end."

"Yeah.Now let's go before these two start creating a tantrum.They look very excited to see the eleplant."

I laughed and followed him.

They were in awe after seeing the enormous creature from a closer view.Other kids would have been frightened but my children were exceptionally brave for their age and even wanted to pet it.

"No,no what if it goes wild?No."I said.

They were now asking for a ride.Yeah,the elephant had an owner who was giving rides to everyone who paid him.

"Ava,it's a pet elephant and it even has it's owner.I've rode on one before and it's really fun.Trust me."

"I don't know.."

"Pwease mommy!petty press."

"Yeah peese mommy."

The twins were now giving me their puppy dog eyes.How can I say no to that.

"Uh.Alright.I can never resist that look.Your dad always used to get his way before with those eyes and now you two are taking after him.This is so unfair."

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