Planning and Pretending

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Dylan's pov-

I can't believe what happened.We were so damn close from being caught.My imposter was a few feets away from me and my family.

It would have been a different situation if Ava's life wasn't on stake.I would have gladly decked that fucker to death for what he did to us and asked him the reason behind it but there's still so much that's not out in the light so we can't really do anything now.Not much anyway.

"I am so scared."

Ava barely wispered.

I took her palm in mine and kissed her knuckles.

"I'll keep you and our babies safe.Atleast we got our warning that trouble is not much far away from us.I am sure Amber is also going to make her appearance soon if that bloody duplicate of mine has appeared."

She nodded.Zoe was safe...Ava had to breastfeed her.She is much more than her real mom.I am glad my daughter has her.Not like I am any less lucky.

"Ok!no more thinking now.We are going home baby.Our house; where we and our family will start our life from a fresh path.Let's make this a happy moment."

She smiled and took my hand in hers.I had Zoe in my other arm as we entered our house together as husband and wife..Hand in Hand.

The sight that we saw was rather interesting that what we had imagined.

The twins were running around in their shorts with chocolate all around their mouths.

The twins were running around in their shorts with chocolate all around their mouths

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Mom and Dad looked at us with guilty expressions.

In fact Gloria and Max were also here.Looks like a family get together.

"We are sorry but they are so adorable and they were so sad about Zoe so we gave them chocolates to cheer them a up.They are just a little high on sugar."

Mom said with a guilty smile.

"Yeah.Just a little high."
Gloria added and grinned.

" Wow.Spoil them more and the next you will know is that those shorts would also be on t floor."

Ava said and all of us laughed at her words.

"How's Zoe Mommy??Sissy all wight Daddy??"

Jasey and Jerry were now looking at us with concerned expressions.Seems like even sugar can't stop them from caring.I love how easily they accepted Zoe.

"Yup kiddos.Your sister is absolutely fine.She was just a little tired so she was irritated.Nothing to worry.See!!she is even smiling at both of you."

And true that.Zoe was actually looking at her big brothers with a smile.

Damn..I want more kids.

Well;only if the situation was right;plus Ava and I just rekindled our relationship so it might not be an idol step but still the idea of having more kids appeals me.

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