Mornings and New houses🏡🏠

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The picture above is my new cover.I dedicate this chapter to angelanguyenn

She made this lovely cover for me and I'm in Love with it.This was like my dream cover coming true.I absolutely am amazed by it...:).Thank you to angelanguyenn.

Ur awesome:)

Ava's pov-

It was about nine the next morning and we;the two love birds were still sound asleep.I mean I wasn't but I kept my eyes closed.

Lying in bed,Dylan had his arms wrapped around my waist from behind, sleeping
peacefully with a gentle snore.

I was curled up against my pillow with the blanket only covering the bottom half of my body.

But nobody was there
to see anything, so it didn't really matter. Both of us
were exhausted from the previous night's action
and had slept in naked. But with no kids around that didn't matter.They are still sleeping.

I opened my  eyes to come face to face with the sun's light.

Squinting slightly and
with a yawn I tried to get up, only failing because I was being held back. I turned back to see Dylan sleeping peacefully with his arms around me.

"How cute"I whispered.

Reaching behind I squeezed his strong yet firm bottom which caused him to wake up instantly. He smiled against my skin.

"Good morning to you to" he mumbled sleepily.

I giggled sleepily and lay back down.

Dylan's pov-

"I can't believe how good I feel today" Ava exclaimed with a smile.

I smirked.

"After all, you really wore me out last night Dyl. I
thought I'd be a total wreck this morning" she said
stroking my thigh.

I shivered from her touch.It's only her who can have such an effect on me.

"You probably feel good because I'm soooooo
damn good at it!"I started kissing her shoulders and nipping that flawless skin delicately. She giggled and wriggled in my grasp.

I found this amusing as she squirmed around and so I decided to play a game of tickling.

Sitting up I pounced on her and almost immediately  began to tickle her.

Ava began to scream in laughter and tried her hardest to protest and get me off.

"Dylan please! No! Stop it!" she cried in fits of giggles. I love to make her laugh and giggle.

Her laugh was so sweet and beautiful.

I love to hear her laugh.My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she somehow pushed me onto my back and straddled my  waist.

"Huh?" I said confused. How did she manage to do that?

She smirked.

"Got you off guard then? Didn't I?Mr Mighty Prince Vanderbilt?

"Ha! Mighty Prince my ass! You couldn't even see that
coming!" she joked and laughed.

I crossed my arms angrily. Of course,I was playing too.I missed this..I haven't been like this since she left.

Turning my nose up and looking away I gave a
'hm' and closed my eyes crossly. She giggled.

"Aaw is my poor baby sulking?" she said in a baby
tone.I didn't say anything.

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