Mommy Knows Best

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Dylan's pov-

Jake and Nicole were looking at us suspiciously.

"Hey Jake.I didn't know you were back."
Max tried to divert the conversation.

"Sorry dad,but this is not working.We've heard everything."

There was this stern composure that told me he won't give up unless he knew what was this all about.

"I want to talk to you alone.Nikki,I think you should go to Ava.She will explain it all to you while i talk to Jake."

She nodded and went inside Zoe's room.

Jake was speechless by the end of what I had just revealed.

"All these years,my baby sister was going through so much.I searched for her all over..if only i had tried more.People assaulted her.They took advantage of her.My little monster had to..I don't deserve to be her big brother."

His face was in his hands and guilt was etched all over his features.

"You are a very good brother Jake.I didn't raise a moron.You have always loved Ava..when she was born;you danced and ran around telling everyone you saw"I have a lil angel.She is perfect."You are a very good son and brother."

Max assured his son.He is Ava's and Jake's father.I can imagine the anguish he is going through.His daughter is in a mess and his son is beating himself for it.My parents are blaming themselves.I am blaming myself that my twins are traumatised,my daughter is in a hospital,my wife's life is in danger.

All in all,our family is in a mess right now.

"Look,Jake.There is no point in beating yourself around it.It was just the past.That phase is over.I want to clear it all out.I am going to be very honest here;we were not going to tell you.It was our secret and this thing is very dangerous."

He nodded solemnly.

"I understand but Ava is my baby sister and I hate Amber to the core.Zoe is actually my real niece;not that she wasn't before but the truth."

"Exactly my thoughts."

Nikki was smiling at us.

"I talked to Ava.I am glad we know.I get it why you guys didn't tell us anything but we will help.We want to."

"We know kids.Now,if we have this sorted the doctor has the discharge papers ready.Zoe is ready to go;though one nurse will be present for a week incase she has concussions."
Dad said.

"I'll go sign them and take care of the medicines.You guys can go and meet Zoe.I know you all want to."

They grinned and went to meet our little peanut.

Two hours later we were back in our house.

"Oh my god.There is so much to prepare.The announcement party is gonna be smashing.I am going to personally invite my niece."

Gloria grinned.She is pure evil I tell you.Ava may look like Max but her mischievous persona comes from her mom; that's for sure.

"Hey,Why don't we go and invite her.You know like I want to go see her when we announce the news."

Mom suggested.

Great!just what I wanted.Mocking and showoff from our lovely mothers.

"Sweetheart,Amber is a physcotic dangerous woman.She almost destroyed our kids.I don't think both of you should be around her.We never know;what plans she has on her sleeves."

Dad said.I completely agreed.

"Yes Gloria.We will not be exaggerating it.This will make them suspicious.We have to act as normal as we can.One evidence;just one evidence and that girl I loved like my own daughter might have to pay for everything she did."

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