Andy Imagine

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I paced up and down the school bleachers as the cold October air took over my entire body. The football sweatshirt with the number seven on the back wasn't enough to keep me warm. Neither was the large group of bodies compacted onto the tight fit bleachers.

"Ready to see your man play," my friend winked, as her teeth clattered with every word she spoke.

I nodded my head, too cold to speak. I shoved my hands in the warm, fuzzy pocket and waited for the game to start. I stared down at some of my fellow classmates, the boys of course, who were shirtless with our school name painted on their stomachs, as their screams and chants echoed through my ears.

Boys always love homecoming.

This was a big day for my boyfriend Andy, the star quarterback of the varsity football team. It was not only homecoming but, his last game. So like the good girlfriend I am I came to support him and cheer him on. The team we were facing was our number one rival.  Always a good game when our school and theirs go at it.

"Please welcome (your schools football team)!"

The den, packed with students rose to their feet jumping, hollering, and chanting making our presence and school spirit known.

The football team ran out onto the field as the opposing team stood on the sidelines in anticipation ready for a good battle.

A groups of senior boys went down to the walkway in front of the bleachers and started our chant.


"I," we mimicked.

"I believe!"

"I believe!"

"I believe that we..."

"I believe that we...," we retaliated back to the four boys who were pumping our school up.


We all joined in the Chant, carefully jumping up and down on the bleacher with my friends, ignoring the cold lurking through our bodies. My friend draped an arm over my shoulder as we watched the team warm up.

My eyes scanned the massive turf field, looking for a particular player.

That's weird, he's not out there.

"I'll be right back," I told my friend.

I carefully trotted down the cold, metal bleachers and down to the ground. I stood by the fence scanning my eyes from player to player, number to number, but to my avail no number seven.

"Dear god,  Andy please be okay," I whispered to myself. I turned around and headed toward the concession stand to get myself a hot chocolate to calm my nerves and warm myself up.

I backed away from the fence, not wanting to get hit with anfootball. I turned around and my body collided with another. I shut my eyes waiting for the fall and the impact of the hard cement but it never happened. I opened my colorful eyes and saw my man in his gear.

"Where have you been? You're team is practicing and waiting for you," I asked him, looking into his beautiful, icy blue eyes.

He held his helmet against his side and laced my hands with his delicate hands that were covered by his football gloves. "I was looking for you, I needed my good luck kiss."

I smiled up at my amazing boyfriend and stood on my tip toes as he lent down to kiss me.

"Good luck baby, I love you. Please be careful out there."

"Thanks baby. I'll play my absolute best for you. I love you," he said, giving me another quick kiss and slipping his helmet on, jogging out to the turf.

Damn, his ass.

I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled to myself. I regained my thoughts and headed to the concession stand for my warm, delicious hot chocolate.

Once I payed for the drink I walked back up the cold bleachers to where my friends were standing waiting for me.

"See your man," my friend, Amelia, said head nodding towards him on the field.

"I know. I saw him before he went out," I said, taking another sip of my hot chocolate.

My friend nodded and our undivided attention went back to the game as the first quarter of the game rolled on.


First quarter ended and we were winning, 7-3. Andy had a couple great passes to his teammates. I was proud of him either way. But, to say I wasn't worried would be a lie. The game is getting heated, and the fans were getting rowdy. The last thing I wanted was someone injured due to some stupid confrontation.

I played with the empty, styrofoam cup in my hand as anxiety rushed through my veins.

Please Andy, don't do anything stupid.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket of my denim jeans. I quickly dug my iPhone out of my pocket and replied to the text my mom sent me asking about the game and slipped it back in.

Within those few seconds of me not paying attention, the whistle blew and a player of ours was on the ground, hunched over in pain. My heart races about a mile a minute. I was worried beyond belief. I frantically looked around the field hoping I would see him standing and unharmed.

"Seems to be we had a foul. Number 7, Andy Biersack was tackled when the play was over and he seems to be down and out," the announcer spoke.

I dropped my cup and raced down the bleachers to the fence. I had to see him and make sure he was okay. I don't care if I can't go out there, he as to be okay. I opened the gate of the fence and ran across the field as fast I my feet could go. I didn't care if people were yelling or starting, I just had to make sure my baby was okay.

The closer I got to his motionless body, the more paramedics and coaches I saw huddled around him examining him. I shoved my way through them and crouched down to his level.

"Cmon baby, wake up! You have to, you're going to be okay. Just open your eyes for me please," I cried.

I looked up and saw the other team looking at me with pity in their eyes. I just shot them daggers and turned my attention back to the boy in front of me. The paramedics pushed me back and brought a stretcher out. The coach held me back, knowing how upset I was, he comforted me. As the paramedic wheeled him across the field, I stood next to him holding Andy's cold hand. I looked into the bleachers and everyone looked scared for the quarterback.

We got to the ambulance and before any could protest, I got in with them.

"You're gonna be okay baby, I promise."

I kissed his hand as tears streamed down my numb face.


Hey guys! Hope you like it, I thought it was really cute and I just had to write it. And downy worry there will be a part two to this!

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